Marriage Today | – The Secret of Being Best Friends | The MarriageToday Podcast | Jimmy & Karen Evans

We all want to be married to our best friend, and friendship is the foundation of any relationship. With heartfelt honesty, Jimmy Evans shares how he nearly lost his friendship with his wife, Karen. He details the specific foundations of friendship and how they relate to men’s and women’s primary needs.

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About The Author

MarriageToday Since founding MarriageToday in 1994, Jimmy Evans and his wife Karen have encouraged and coached thousands of couples toward building rewarding marriages and healthy homes. MarriageToday. Jimmy and Karen know firsthand that no marriage is beyond hope. Their own marriage almost ended in divorce, but applying the principles they now teach saved their relationship. After 35 years together, they understand every couple has a 100% chance of success in marriage.

Comment (17)

  1. So enjoyed this episode. It’s the first one that I’ve listen to you and I have to say I was thankful to hear about being a part of my husband’s activities. I’m a crafter, he’s a gardener…so one is always outside and one is always inside. But now that spring is here I will make it a point to try to go out and help however I can; Plus shop for flowers and vegetables to plant. Thank you, for this Wonderful insight

  2. .My wife and i got Married last year and we have been living happily for a while. We used to be free with everything and never kept any secret from each other until recently everything changed when she got a new Job in NewYork months ago, we have been in a long distance relationship for some months,She has been avoiding my calls and i got suspicious of her cheating.I asked my wife about it and she told me that she is always busy and working ,We had a big argument about it,this went on for long until one day i decided to notify my friend about this and that was how she introduced me to Mr James a PI/Hacker  who helped her when she was having issues with her Husband. I never believed he could do it but until i gave him my wife’s Mobile phone number. He proved to me by hacking into my wife’s phone. where i found so many evidence and  proof in her Text messages, Emails and pictures that my wife has an affair with her co-worker. I have sent all the evidence to my lawyer. I just want to thank Mr James for helping me because i have all the evidence and proof for my lawyer, You can contact him on Gmail (Worldcyberhackers ) or WhatsApp +12678773020 ,I Feel so sad about infidelity

  3. Sometimes the husband does not mature thru time but maybe the woman does and we feel like we have a child instead of a responsible mature husband. Eventually if they don’t want to step up, it causes frustration with the wife. Some men just need to grow up!

  4. Thanks for talking through these topics! One thing that would be appreciated is if you could cite references (either in the bible or scientific articles) that we could use for further learning?

    Another quick note – when you bump the table there's a real deep rumble coming through the recording which can be unpleasant. Maybe put something under the mics to dampen the vibrations?

  5. How can you be best friends with your wife when her and her dad are best friends instead? I never knew their relationship was so close it is enmeshed. She’ll watch this and still say no my dad is my best friend and he will always be my number one man and I’ll never put another man before my parents. My pastor says if that’s the case then we aren’t really married and the counselor says the same thing yet her and her dad say I’m the one that’s out of line! I really don’t understand it. The more I open up the more ammunition there is against me

  6. This is a good commentary, but I, as an African-American lady, want to be respected first, which in my opinion is the same as honoring security. In my opinion, I do not believe that many women want to "mother" an old man, or should I state, an adult man. Many women do not believing in babying or Molly coddling. As I render respect, I expect respect, and need honor, the same as a gent. No difference. Lovemaking/sex is just as important to me as to any gent. Strive not to set women in a box and leave them there. I want a husband to be my best friend as well. Ask around again about the needs of ladies.

  7. Hey Jimmy ! This is a comment from a different teaching that you did, where You said children are all in heaven? Teenage wicked children are not in heaven they're in hell if they didn't accept Jesus. That's why bar mitzvah's are hilled at 13 years old, that's not just to celebrate them coming into puberty, interpuberty, it's also a warning of responsibility that they need to decide and choose a spiritual covering And father.. I thought it was important to say this because you wanted to teach us that I just saw you do? You said That children are all in heaven , but 19 majors that were not saved they certainly are not.