Patrick Winfrey | – Urgent Word from the Lord in this final Hour

To Contact me : neartochrist@[support us] (copy and paste)
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NEW WAY TO GIVE for the orphanages! ( I am a missionary in the Philippines)
[support us] THE EMAIL FOR ZELLE : churchfirstborn@[support us]
If you give please send me your email so I can thank you! God Bless!

MY PERSONAL EMAIL…NOT for Zelle! But to talk to me is:
neartochrist@[support us]
Please Join Us Online to see pics and reports of our mission work
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PRAYER REQUESTS: [support us]

I am a missionary in the Philippines since 2007
we have 4 orphanages (34 kids) and we feed 1000 poor kids each month
Please Join Us Online to see pics and reports of our mission work


ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE EMAIL ME AT neartochrist@[support us]

or MESSAGE ME ON FACEBOOK [support us]

FOR THOSE NOT ON FB we also have a website
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Just found a new method that is better than paypal….FOR THOSE IN THE USA OR CANADA ONLY

This is a service like paypal, and we tried it once and it works great! All you need is my email address…

If you give please email me, because I might not have your email! God Bless!

1. Personal Check/Money Order please use this method if you are in the USA or CANADA

PLEASE MAKE IT PAYABLE TO MATTHEW P WINFREY then put the purpose in the memo, like feedings or orphans or general funds, etc. God bless! These will be transferred to me here bank to bank.


email me


2. Western Union/MoneyGram for those outside USA or Canada
seems to be easy to use!
(Email me if you would like to donate via Moneygram, etc. You can use these, as an alternative) the instructions are the same as below neartochrist@[support us]

Western Union Instructions
Either go to any store or bank which sends via Western Union, or you can send online by creating an account at [support us] 1. Send to: Matthew Winfrey I will pick up in Davao City. Please email me neartochrist@[support us] if you have any questions. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR CURRENCY NOT PESOS. I CAN GET A MUCH BETTER EXCHANGE RATE HERE. IT WILL MEAN MORE MONEY FOR THE CHILDREN 2. Please contact me after you have sent money, with the following information:

Sender’s full name
Confirmation Number (MTCN)
City, State, and Country you sent from
Any donations will be used for Joshua’s Ministry. We do many things, such as the three Orphanages, feedings, bible school, evangelism crusades, and pastor conferences with local/tribal pastors. Thank you so much on behalf of the Body of Christ in the Philippines! IF YOU WANT YOUR DONATION FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE, LIKE ORPHAN SPONSORSHIP: PLEASE MESSAGE ME BY MY EMAIL . Love Too All~Joshua’s Ministry IF YOU LIKE, YOU CAN DONATE FOR AN EXACT PURPOSE BY EMAILING ME


If anybody wants to send things like kids clothes, school supplies, etc to the ministry here, please send them to sister Pearly Candia Lancero. She has been putting them together into large boxes, then we get a cheap rate to send here. This is her new address below: God Bless to all!

Pearly Lancero
417 Starwood
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156
Cell# 224-532-6748
pearly_lancero@[support us]

[support us]?fref=ts

Please visit our online church
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#rapture #endtimes

About The Author

Pastor Patrick Winfrey Pastor Patrick is a missionary in the Philippines since 2007. He has been a Pastor since 2001. He is also an author. The ministry has 3 orphanages and feeds 1000 street kids per week. There is also an online church: email Pastor Patrick for your prayer needs and if you would like to serve with us. Pastor Patrick will be in the USA for the next 6 months, bringing the revival fire to the country. The email below in the link. Pastor Patrick Winfrey

Comment (31)

  1. Hi pastor. Sorry I missed the livestream by 30 mins. I am asking for prayers today , family. I broke my left foot yesterday. Not a good thing when I am responsible for the gardening, cooking and household chores
    Please say a prayer for me and my family to pull together and make it work together. God bless you each! Love you all!

  2. Hi Pastor Patrick,
    GOD BLESS you and your Precious Family and Ministry.
    Thank you for your dedicated obedience in serving Him.
    And feeding and Preparing His Sheep in these last Days.
    Love and Prayers from Ireland.

  3. Wow, I used to listen to you and i haven't seen you in a long time didnt no what happened to you…and L4Rapture channel had your latest dream and I looked for you and fir some reason I was unsubscribed..So I just subscribe again…last I heard from you I believe you were moving from Puerto Rico to Either NC or SC… Glad I found your channel again….Barbara & Dale

  4. Father, we thank You for hearing our prayers. We lift up America and ask for You to protect Your people. Bring about Your perfect will. Bless our brother and continue to lead him in the power of the Holy Spirit. We give You all the glory in Jesus name… Amen

  5. Amen pastor! The Angel of the Lord encampes around those who fear him ps 34. The pastor from KY said at September the hand underlined it 3 times…I thought of rapture because Feast of Trumpets and in November the hand made a fist and hit the calandar, so maybe that when the tribulation starts.
    I'm praying for the body, to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might! I will declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. For he is our refuge and our strength and Strong Tower in the time of need.

  6. "Fear Not"… is only for Christians. The rest of the world SHOULD FEAR!!! They are about to fall into the hands of an angry God. He is angry at the evil.. not the people… but their refusal to bow down and worship Him will get them directly into hell fire. Their choice.. not God's.

  7. Okay picture in your mind the song "Twist and Shout" popular at weddings. And the part where you start whispering "a little bit louder now, shout!" Replace the words with "a little bit darker now, SHINE!" We are the light of the world in these last days!!! It will keep getting a little bit darker and as this happens our light will be more needed and more apparent to the world!!

  8. Thank you so much, Pastor Patrick, for your obedience to the Lord in getting on YT to deliver this message!
    Thank you, Brother!! I am going to save this message and come back to it often to encourage myself in Jesus and in His promises.
    The evil one tries to get us in fear. We must stand in God's Word, in faith and worship and praise to be delivered from his wicked devices.
    Thank you, Pastor Patrick! I appreciate you and love you in the Lord. Susan

  9. I needed this Pastor. I must admit that I allowed a smidgen of fear to enter my heart yesterday after watching the news. I even considered going out and buying guns. Now, I am clinging to Jesus and His Word. ! Thank you. Many Blessings!

  10. Pastor Patrick, is the dream about the 4 waves from Pastor Dana Coverstone? He appears to not believe in a pre-trib rapture, but that we have to endure to the end. Thank you dear brother for your obedience to the Lord and God Bless.

  11. Thank you so much for your obedience and sharing this. It's been quite interesting the last week and a half that I've asked the Lord to give me a Rapture dream and almost every night he is giving me dreams of preparing for a wedding. It's been amazing.

  12. Those commies aren’t going to do that God won’t allow. They don’t get that. HE is allowing them to do what they’re doing, and that they can threaten all they want, but that God the Father can stop them. Don’t fear. That’s what they want. I don’t even think they know what they’re doing, and that in the end they will lose everything. I see a lot of spoiled looking brats in those groups. (Sorry. But a lot of them are white-and they probably just want to be cool). Probably sneaking back into their mom and dad’s house after.