Robert Barron | – Have You Found Joy? — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Friends, on this Gaudete Sunday, we are called to rejoice! Detach yourself from the anxieties of the world and live in the peace and joy of Christ.

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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (40)

  1. Hi father / your excellency. I was hoping you could speak about the book of enoch. What's our Faith's view on the extra-biblical book. Certainly interesting read but not sure what to make of it. It correlates with the bible but not discussed very much If at all.


  3. Yes.. Yes i have. The best joyous feeling came over me when i let go of the superstitious nonsense known as religion.
    The moment that light bulb went off in my head the world started making sense.
    It's just us here and the discussions we can have on how to make this world better for everyone (daunting as it is).
    Deities are not part of the equation. It's all been a matter of enlightenment.
    Good times ahead in the only world we are part of… Earth/Terra.

  4. How can we rejoice when we have Catholic Clergy preaching against the word of God and Church Law .Yet we have a Bishop like you who does not speak up against them .I will rejoice when you speak up against evil like Bishop Strickland does .He gives us hope .

  5. You are not at peace, Bp Barron, but rather you live on the rim of the wheel. This is by your silence on the USCCB gay mafia and their raping of young adults and children, and/or your covering it up. You can not be in the center of the wheel with Christ because Christ is against such evil as the LGBTQ perpetrates. These are different times than when Jesus lived, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

  6. I am not making any kind of theological statement or questioning any doctrine or church mandate, I am not, but don't you think Bishop Barren would make a great father, I mean a father to a son or daughter, he just seems so well adjusted, that he would be a great dad. And I know parenting is ridiculously difficult, but this guy just seems like he would make every decision well balanced, or would he? Maybe he would be an emotional wreck. Lol.

  7. The Satan Easter Vigil Mass at Saint Peter's Basillica every year since 2012 is now complete according to the Satanos. 2012 was the "end of the world" according to the Aztec calendar. This is why antichrist Brigolio is trying to return the Catholic Latin countries (e.g., Mexico regarding Our Lady of Guadalupe's church being built on the site of a run down pachamama pagan temple) to paganism through idolatry (e.g., pachamama). 2021 is 2012 inverted, which would imply that Satan now owns the world according to the Satanic Gregorian chant used to worship Satan every year at the Easter Vigil Mass where the chrism to annoint new bishops is concecrated, where this chrisim is also used in other Sacraments (the ones beink attacked). This is a definite and calculated seperation from Satan's church and the faithful Catholic church found in all traditional forms (the Tridintine Latin Mass). This goes towards ordinations as well. Considering that those Catholics who participated in these Satanic Easter Vigil Masses being de facto excommunicated, who belongs to the Catholic Church these days?………………

  8. So tell me why are Christians allowed to use hate speech? Think about it this way. Why is the word N*** used toward a person of colour so abhorrent to them? It’s easy to understand how this word brings forth memories of slavery, of beatings, of being forcibly separated from family, of being tortured and murdered. So yes, this word goes against community standards and rightly so.

    Now think about another group of people who have been subjected to beatings, torture and also murdered numbering into the hundreds of millions. To people who have been torn away from their families, cultures and their beliefs, never to see them again. To people who are constantly reminded that they are inferior to a certain group of people. To people who are under the constant threat of being killed for their beliefs. Where the use of commonly accepted phrases bandied about without thought are a constant reminder of these atrocities and threats.

    Australian Aboriginal toddlers and babies were taken from their families and many beaten and brutalised, as were Canadian children. Who did this? Often Christians. The Inquisitions covering France, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Portugal to name a few tortured and murdered tens to hundreds of millions of ‘infidels’ and ‘heretics’. Who did this Christians. The holy wars including the crusades also murdered millions of ‘heretics’. Who did this Christians. And who were their victims, the vast majority were infidels, that’s right atheists. Even the Christian’s bible, the book they believe gives them their moral compass. The bible, which believers adhere to and worship, orders them to kill atheists. There are multiple passages directing this.

    2 Chronicles 15:13
    That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

    It’s no wonder atheists feel unsafe? There are also multiple passages directing Christians to avoid and have nothing to do with atheists. Why is any of this permitted in this day and age? Why too do Christian’s believe they are above the law? Any form of hate speech is shutdown and removed immediately, yet Christian’s are permitted to say “god bless you” or “I will pray for your soul to go to heaven”. These phrases and others fill me with fear and dread. Yet, the atheist’s response is always to turn the other cheek. Atheists have never used violence yet we are subjected to it daily and expected never to complain.

    Isn’t it time we stop using these phrases? Isn’t it time for religious freedom to truly mean freedom of and from religion?

  9. I will be the first to admit that I was born with a silver spoon and perhaps am not qualified to agree with Bp. Barron. But agree I must. The qualities of happiness or joy are not attributes of our humanity, they are by-products of the love that flows from divinity. We cannot escape divine love, we are trapped, forever alive, and swimming in those waters. The joys of the living pass like waves of deciduous leaves in the seasons. Bp. Barron is spot on here.

  10. As a Mother one can experience the most excruciating pain and suffering but also the most wonderful joys. I ask God to continually help me to Rejoice even in my darkest moments of parenthood. Thank you, Bishop.