Robert Barron | – Look Back, Look Around, Look Forward — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Friends, many years ago, in the context of a high school religion class, a very wise Benedictine nun gave me a template for understanding Advent that I’ve never forgotten. It is simply that Advent calls to mind three “comings” of Christ: the first in history, the second now, and the third at the end of time. Meditating upon each of these is a helpful preparation for the holy season upon which we are embarking.

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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (46)

  1. Unless & until Christ reveals his prophecy "You know not the Father, neither the Son, but them unto whom the Son pleases to reveal " the Lay, Priests, Bishops, inc. the Poniff, cannot be called "Christians" which is followers of Christ , in spirit.
    The three comings of Christ was spelled out by St.Bernard :
    1) in the weakness of the Flesh.
    2) In Spirit & Power (only to his elect, over the time).
    3) In full Glory.

  2. I love his sermons. I love HE Barron. He’s so up front and willing to keep giving and giving of himself while the church is on fire and the Rome is burning.. How can we learn from two great Bishops Vigano and Barron. Williamson or Vatican 2. I am torn. I like the old school Church and not being about man and so contemporary. I can’t complain as I am blessed. There’s evil in the air folks and Our Priests are dying in major numbers. I just ask you do a Rosary for the few good men left. Pray for their safety. This is a disaster with these evil men trying to fill you with this cocktail of evil. The only one speaking up is Vigano. Archbishop Vigano said open the chirch’s we will care for the sick when Italy was overrun by SARS / Cov2. Evil abounds.

  3. What a refreshing message! All I have to leave behind is so called modernity and so called post modernity, which in truth is nothing new at all under the sun, instead of someone present in charge expecting me to pretend that I am being good in my time to the best of my ability only because I am forgetting the past while being willing to obey mere man while demonstrating my ability to do so only good enough for them no matter what that looks like in truth to the Lord. Yes I am some day going to fall down dead. I'd rather be doing so while being real in Christianity instead of just when going along with whatever current crowd I am in which would not add even one moment to the length of my life anyway. Going along with a crowd is always more probable to be making the length of life shorter instead.

  4. Unfortunately Bishop Barron, when you say that the Eucharist is at the heart of the christian life, it is a bit shallow, especially when they only serve the host. The church needs to come up with a way to serve the blood of Christ as well, or it is simply half of the holy meal. Even before Covid, I made sure to be the first to drink from the chalice, since you never know what germs people carry. They need small individual cups so that people may partake in the whole Eucharist.

  5. Look back, look around and look forward. How marvelous it is to reflect on the very first week of Liturgical year. This sermon enlightened me about the alignment of these three readings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Bishop Barron. May God's grace be with you always!

  6. Seems like the three comings of Christ of past, present, and future correspond well with the three theological virtues of faith, love, and hope. We have faith that Christ came to suffer, die, and rise from the dead for us in the past, and we have hope that Christ will come again in glory. The coming of Christ in the present moment is when we love one another as Christ has loved us. Also, Christ comes in the sacraments, one of the most loving acts Christ can do to help us to heaven. Just a thought.

  7. Please help middle class families who make too much to get help but not enough to afford prescription medication and high deductible plans. Please This with rare diseases pay premiums for others expensive surgeries, but our drugs that keep us from wheelchairs are not covered. Who can afford $250-1200 a month? We are in an opioid crisis yet they say morphine and oxy that actually make our condition worse and are so addictive. The Church needs to help us. This year the emoloyers made it 4500 per person. We paid $9’000 and no reimbursement. Kids going without meds. Needless disability. It is criminal.

  8. Secular history is for looking outside born of women and are waiting for the same they may see others becoming born by man which is male and female birthing from the skull waked by God seed in every man, the worldly isn't about inside work of spirit in man.

  9. Excellent homily, your excellency. In this wild west of information age. Dark forces have poured their Vial of hate, lies , distortions, calumny against our Church to obliterate our faith in our Lord. We let the evil forces to attack on our flanks, target our weak points. The Devil Never sleeps.

    In times like these we have to stick together..


  11. Bishop Barron, Many people are very concerned with corruption in the Church. And rightly so with all that has been brought to light. Jesus spoke and warned about the "Evil One". Now Catholics are questioning who really are the good guys and who are the bad guys in the hierarchy of the Church. Archbishop Vigano is a voice that I have listened to. He sees to be very devout. I don't know very much about him. Nor do I really know much about the Pope or the Cardinals for that matter. But their is a breakdown that is occurring between religious factions within the Church. And it is quite obvious with all the social media including YouTube that people are taking sides. Can you please address these concerns? There is so much good in the Church but there is also evil on the inside. After all we know that Judas himself was one of the original 12 and was in close proximity to the Lord.And we know the evil that he did. Thank you for reading and addressing these concerns.

  12. Dear Bishop Barron pls speak up and support the pro life movement. You have a large platform, God has given you this chance at this time for a reason. The judges need to hear from you. May God bless you and guide you in precious name of عيسى مسيح . Amen!

  13. I would say in relation to the comment on when Hitlar was finished that his loss in Russia in 1941 was when he was definitely finished. The slog to end it started then. Much earlier than the Normanby invasion in 1944. Another interesting analogy is that the deaths went up (especially of the innocent) the closer Hitlar got to his final demise.

  14. One day the head of the women's club at my church was not happy what I had invited a woman who was Catholic to our church. The woman came to our church garage sale speaking of desire to come to mass at our church. So I invited her and said show up we'll see you this weekend. The head of our women's group as I was walking toward where my fellow prisoners were sitting said to me, "that woman needs the archbishop to approve her to even attend our church" So I said to her I've asked the woman to please talk with you. The under message was we are an exclusive here. Christ would not want us to behave this way Christ would want us to say please come if you desire to come to our church and you are Catholic please attend we will see you Sunday. The leader woman of our women's club is exclusive. And I truly feel that she should not be. She's quite older than me she's taught by nuns which I am a convert of 34 years and I don't believe that we should behave that way. Bishop Barron, should I approach the woman leader of our club or should I just be quiet? I would really want to say to her that we are not exclusive and that the woman should be allowed to show up for our mass this following weekend and allow her to go through the process, am I wrong? What should I think or do about the situation. I cannot wait for our elder parishioners to pass on to become a welcoming church to other Catholics. Nor do I want to wait.

  15. "christ came in history"
    christ as depicted in the bible never existed, so no.
    "christ comes to us today"
    please demonstrate this as you will be the first in history to do so, so no again.
    "and christ will come definitively at the end of time".
    Are you now a prophet? Please demonstrate how this is so, otherwise finally no.
    Please bishop stop this nonsense.