Robert Barron | – Love the Ones You’re Given — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon

Friends, families teach us that we don’t always get to choose the people we love, but we’re given people that we’re then called upon to love. On this Feast of the Holy Family, let’s meditate upon the importance of this calling.

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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (43)

  1. Bishop, loved your story of Uncle Tommy. It touched my heart. Yes, let us love those that God has given us as family. Members who are living with mental illness can be a challenge to love, but if we take the time to talk or just sit and be with them a real connection can happen and so can love. Baby Jesus bless you!

  2. How do you love a family that is full of treacherous people doing all sorts of things to hurt your business, your source of income — and act like they did not do anything bad to you at all and as if you are so stupid that you wouldn’t be able to figure them all out?

  3. Let us love our family the Church and by Church I dont mean simply the "authority" of the Church. Love based on authority or position is not love but power. Rather whoever we are whether high or low let us "love" for the sake of loving the person, not talking over one another in a endless struggle for who is speaking the loudest, for the sake of power. Loving of each other and family is about becoming powerless like Christ emptied himself for us to show the authenticity of true love. It is about truly caring for the soul of the other, without prejudice and without seeking to cause scandal, intentionally for the sake of attention seeking or grabbing the headlines.

  4. I had a relative, who fought in some of the horrible battles in the Pacific (WWII). After he got out of the Marines, he could not hold a job and in a few years, he killed himself. This story was told and retold at many family gatherings.

  5. I loved this story about your Uncle Tommy. We do have a lot of characters in my family. No matter what, they are endearing folks. I guess I am one of the characters, being the old maid aunt. Anyway, we just need to love people where they are at in this life because that is what our Lord does all the time. These characters may be blessings in disguise.

  6. Bishop Barron this reflection really made me think about my family feelings and love and so many days weeks months go by and I do not know how some family members are doing or I just forget to reach out to them thank you for sharing this talk God bless you

  7. Thank you Bishop Barron I have a tear fallen down my face I am that person in my family. I used to be the exact opposite, a project manager at a nuclear plant at age 24, then got PTSD and now I am that person. At Christmas I wonder why I am that person that people don’t want to talk, and I am also like your Uncle Tommy who goes to mass every day. I’m the person that doesn’t get invited places and I just don’t know how to be. I can’t hold a job because I am so weird and then I feel so guilty for not making my own money. I am going to see a counsellor, whose son is a priest. I saw her once and there have been profound impacts on my life. She says she will get me working again. Astounding. That’s not a bad way to go, being struck on the way to church. I’d just rather be struck on my way home from church! I’ve often thought I’d like to die before the blessed sacrament, if that were possible.

  8. Not if they betray you. Example: My mother drugged us to keep us quiet. Father beat us half to death. Brothers stole everything I had until I left the family to enlist during war.

    Mother wrote book about her life and didn't even tell me. I bought one and it is ALL lies!

    BTW, my father was catholic. A mean S.O.B.. I grew up in a catholic neighborhood and they would beat us just as hard as our parents.

    catholicism is a cult religion who FORCES its' constituents to obey and imposes a FORCED tithe and if you don't tithe, they will take your house and all of its belongings.

    Jesus of Nazareth is coming back and He is going to destroy EVIL of this kind.

  9. I’m not sure of Uncle Tommy’s intentions, but “just a priest” may have been his highest compliment. One can lose themselves in career growth, higher education or the fast pace of society. To be, just a house wife, just a mechanic, or just a clerk, can keep one humbled in sprite. While I may be more of the later, I admirer when I meet someone that lives a simple life and is fully content. The greatest people in my life were just these kinds of people.

  10. What a wonderful homily. Love those who are difficult to love. Love is willing the good of the other. All these things you speak of are so kind and humbling. When it’s hard to love someone these are inspirational thoughts to have handy and will help to look at unlovable people in a different way. They too are children of God and he loves them and so should we. Thank you and God Bless you in this new year and always. From Gurnee Illinois

  11. I feel bad for his uncle; the Bulge was a really bad time. In addition to the battle itself, it was one of the coldest winters on record in Europe and a lot of US troops had insufficient cold weather gear (I've heard stories about men stuffing newspaper into their boots just to try to insulate away frostbite and others freezing to death in their own foxholes). Add onto that widespread paranoia in light of rumors the Germans had sent English-speaking commandos behind US lines in captured uniforms, so a lot of men felt they couldn't even trust their own comrades. All this, for over a month (12.16.1944 — 01.25.1945). I think I probably would've lost my mind after a few days.

  12. Does tough love count? Sadly, it's almost always tough love and it's taking or has taken a toll but deeply pray, deeply fast & deeply hope that this year, 2022, all my biggest dreams will happen already, so that I may already move on to the next set of big dreams, so that I may truly live a full life into great sainthood!

    God bless, Rev. 21:4

  13. Maybe I don’t get extroverts or introverts who found their calling, but I think a lot of people would be eccentric, but fear to be different—especially to stand out. It may validate their fears when they see us “Uncle Tommys” struggle. It is a hard life and you might get nowhere. It’s humbling, though, and no one should be proud of it—just themselves. I think Jesus knows how important it is for anyone to feel the need for him.