Robert Barron | – Non-Catholic Q&A w/ Bishop Barron (December 2021)

Friends, on today’s episode of “The Word on Fire Show,” I take several questions from non-Catholics, including:

– How does the Catholic Church think about sola Scriptura and Bible interpretation?

– Since we can’t know beyond a reasonable doubt that Christianity is true, why should I become a Christian?

– Any tips for a Protestant transitioning to Catholicism?

– Why are some sins considered mortal?

– Is there a realistic possibility of reuniting the Christian churches, and if not, what are the major stumbling blocks?

– What is the role of saints? Why aren’t they considered to be idols?

– What is the Catholic view of the apocrypha (deuterocanonical books)?

– What about apparent contradictions in the Bible? Does this undermine the Bible’s inerrancy?


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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (47)

  1. About the first question: De Facto the church doesn't have the authority you speak of anymore. Catholic means universal – however, how can a church that is not accepted by the majority of Christians still consider itself universal? Aren't you playing a game that is not being played anymore? What are your views on this Bishop? Thank you!

  2. The Church is the only authority to explain the Bible, why? because the Holy Spirit dwells and guides the Church and moved her to compile the Bible in 382 AD!!! therefore the Holy Spirit works in the entire cycle and besides, the Church is author and witness of all that is written in the new testament!!!

  3. As a Protestant from the Salvation Army, I thank you for recognizing the Bible as the Word of God. Interpretation is a key element of understanding the truth that is inspired by God. There is one thing that I hold : Jesus is my savior and my Lord. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner!

  4. The whole idea of monotheism is that as individuals we can approach God, so why are Saints even in the equation? Or priests for confession?Just confess to God–he hears. You are making an individual or an institution out to be the go-between; not needed!

  5. My journey with Catholicism was not about what's in the Bible or what's empirically proven(the way many people say that they'll believe in God if God's existence is proven scientifically etc.)

    Coming from a Hindu background, I didn't care much about Old Testament prophecies being fulfilled in the person of Jesus, because the Hebrew scriptures were of no significance to me as a Hindu.

    Sola Scriptura did not make sense when, I was dabbling into Christianity, Protestants told me I was going to hell if I didn't join their denomination based on some Bible verses they quoted. A Roman Catholic priest told me that he was in no position to condemn me as a human being, and that I should keep close to Our Lady and keep coming to Church and let God do what He wants to do in my life. That made so much more sense. I did what he asked me to and today I identify as someone who believes in Catholicism/Christianity(it's been 17 years now).

    Protestantism, if it were true, and God really took almost 1 and a half millennia to actually let His people figure out that they got him wrong, it really makes God a j*rk for deceiving His people for so long and then it only proves that the Holy Spirit never really guided the Church and Christ's promise of "with you always, till the end of age" was a big fat lie! This essentially disproves the authenticity of Christianity as a religion.

    Also, without the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, "Bible Only Christians" make signs like "God hates fags", "All lives matter" and all other conspiracy theories that they come up with just from reading their King James Bible(which, as a matter of fact, is a Bible version tainted with the blood of so many who read any version apart from this "authorized" version.)

    Protestantism also does not make sense to people in the East(India et al), because we cannot digest the fact that Jesus treated His Mother like a rented womb, and His other saints/martyrs like "use and throw" tissues. Catholic veneration of saints is more in line with family values and looking up to those who've already "walked the way" and left us with rich heritage and guidance in being faithful to the Lord. Protestantism is more like Western people tossing out their old folks in "old age homes" or "facilities" when they start becoming a "liability" to them. How and when did the person who did so much for you become irrelevant?

  6. A very nice presentation. There are things in Catholic Theology that are difficult to accept. This is ok! However Biblical Christianity thinks differently. The worship of Mary as well as praying to saints is a real problem. Also, the treasury of merit is in conflict with the Gospel. These are just a few issues that separate fellowships. Again, Catholics are allowed to have these interruptions. I am not comfortable with these interruptions. I simply chose a different approach. I am not against Catholics I just beat to a different drum. Peace and blessings.

  7. Why you ought to become a Christian?? While I appreciate Bishop Baron’s deep and theological answers, this one needs to be more direct. You have NO chance. ZERO. You have No chance of approaching the Creator of the universe without first going though His one and only Son. Jesus said, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” And, without me, you can do nothing.” He is the ONLY way, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

  8. The question then is why is this explanation of the saint’s not extended on to Jesus himself? Could it not be that the degree to which Jesus was different from the rest of the original disciples and the saint’s is in the same manner as they are different to the ordinary faithful without being divine? Asked with all due respect and reverence to the Prophet Jesus – may God elevate his rank! Asked by a non-christian who listens and has understood many difficult philosophical conundrums from you – Bishop Barron. That ‘Referee’ analogy was simply fantastic!

  9. As I was listening to this video, I was thinking, "very few people could respond to these questions with such erudition." The scope and ambition of Bishop Barron's apologetic work is on par with Iñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola.

    On the question of sin, I would think the distinction between a venial and grave sin is self-evident. Stealing a candy bar from the local quick mart simply doesn't have the same implications as armed robbery.

    St Paul speaks of a primitive form of confession and reconciliation before church elders, something we rarely hear from sacramental theologians:

    5 If anyone has caused pain, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure (not to exaggerate) to all of you. 6 This punishment by the majority is enough for such a person, 7 so that on the contrary you should forgive and encourage him instead, or else the person may be overwhelmed by excessive pain. 8 Therefore, I urge you to reaffirm your love for him. 9 For this is why I wrote, to know your proven character, whether you were obedient in everything. 10 Whomever you forgive anything, so do I. For indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for you in the presence of Christ, (II Cor 2:5-10)

  10. Woah on the first answer you said ‘the orthodox’ believed in a different nature of Christ. To be pedantic, surely you mean the Oriental Orthodox, as the Eastern Orthodox accepted the Council of Chalcedon? Heck, we weren’t even separate churches at the time.

    I know you know this, but some people watching may not and I wouldn’t want them to think that EO does not have a correct understanding of Christ’s nature.

  11. “As he died to make men holy, let us die to make them free, our God is marching on.” -From the Battle Hymn of the Republic

    Hearing those lyrics really sparked something in me about what Jesus did in his sacrifice. Before that day 2000 years ago, mankind had to engage in all kinds of rituals to purify and sanctify themselves; many of these rituals were exclusive to the aristocracy and the priestly classes of the day. Jesus brought the Word to all men low and high with his great message and uplifted humanity.

  12. These are always fun. Thanks.
    What happens when the newly elected head umpire is calling balls and strikes differently from previous umpires, seemingly tipping the scales for the away team? It can lead some to believe shenanigans are going on behind the scenes.

  13. (Deut12:32). "Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall NOT add to it nor take away from it" the rcc, barron, ALWAYS bends God's Word so that God appears to be 'not enough' without the added rhetoric, added diferent teachings from the rcc, added traditions, added 'sacraments', added contradictions of God's Word, added misrepresentations of the meaning and purpose of scripture in order to have the rcc outsell, outpropell, outdo God himself. which is a blasphemous, very serious sin of satan, himself.

    Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The Bible IS God breathed. The Holy Spirit 'does' teach God's word AS Christ taught His Church. In order to understand God's teachings we must be diligent in reading, studying, & researching the Bible daily. 2Tim 3:16-17 "All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage]; so that the man of God may be 'complete and proficient, outfitted and thoroughly equipped' for every good work" (no mention of the rcc adding in their separate teachings, traditions, praying to the dead). So, adding in all the rcc's traditions, books authored by God's creations, or needing interpretations of rcc priests is totally unnecessary – according to God. "Is God a liar?" Isa 6:3, or is man a liar?

  14. 9:20 > once again, u use ur big bag of words, throw them in the wind like confetti, and in the end, you've said nothing at all that makes any sense, answers the question, or is reasonable. u quote worldly authors instead of quoting scripture that would have answered the question of 'why should i become a christian?' #1, God promised eternal life. when we obey God's laws, rules, commands, study his word daily, we begin to 'feel' that eternal life as the Holy Spirit teaches us AS Christ brought down the kingdom and taught it to the people on earth. God said he made the world so that man would never be satisfied with it and he would more easily seek God. God keeps his promises. when we give our lives to God, he does a work in us that gets us ready for heaven.

  15. again, barron belittles the protestants then tries to sell the traditions and sacraments as needed for salvation. they're a bunch of hooey. when Christ died on the cross the "veil was torn top to bottom" signifying that the holy of holies was nor open to all believers and not just a high priest that presented the sins & needs of people to God. a priest was no longer needed because Jesus sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit that indwelled in all believers at Pentecost. Christ never gave HIS Church to Peter. In Hebrew He called Peter "little pebble" and then referred to himself as "the Rock" (a large boulder, like Gibralter). Jesus is 'always' referred to as The Rock. Peter sidn't even show up at the cross. no, Jesus sent the H.Sp. to continue the work of the Kingdom on earth. God sent God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spsirit are NOW dwelling IN the believers of Christ. (You can't get any closer to God than that!). "If you want to enter into [eternal] life, keep the commandments" (Mat 19:17 God said do NOT make idols and images. rcc makes idols and images. catholics break God's commandments. God said do NOT have any other gods before me. the rcc prays to thousands of dead creations instead of God alone. they 'add' traditions, authors of other books, the sacraments, and the eucharist because they break God's commandments they do NOT have God dwelling in them, that's why the rcc invented the bread teaching that it's 'God' so that when they swallow it, they falsely believe God is 'in' them too. God does not come to man in the flesh, God is spirit and only comes AS spirit. u can fool ur catholic followers but you'll never fool a Believer in Christ that belongs to God. your a liar and u must repent if u want eternal heaven.

  16. 16.55 u said the rcc "invokes" the help from all the saints u pray to. Tell the world thhis, barron, HOW DO U KNOW WHICH CREATIONS MADE IT TO HEAVEN OR WHICH ONE'S WOUND UP IN HELL?
    biblically, NO ONE has ever prayed to a creation or to a dead man of flesh. the rcc is the ONLY church who prays to the dead who MIGHT be in heaven. This is SIN, a very serious sin, it is blasphemous. it is a direct breaking of God's first Commandment..

  17. 19:20 barron, there's no such thing as mortal or venial sins, according to the bible > James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole Law but stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of [breaking] all of it. that means if u dishonor a parent, God considers u a murderer, adulterer, idolator etc. its the rcc that has 'added' the division of mortal and venial sins. ALL sin breaks the relationship with God. that's why a believer is able to talk to God indwelling in him immediatley to confess his sins bec God is omnipresent within him. catholics are idolators so God doesn't dwell in them. catholics are taught to confess to another creation, a priest, and think that man can absolve sin. God isn't in that confessional, nor is he in the priest or the confesser because of the sin of idolatry. God told u not to make idols and images. catholics make idols and images. WHY? because u want to. u are alll guilty of breaking ALL of God's commands by breaking only one.

  18. 20:57 see> Dr Ivan Panin (and others), who have proved that the bible had to have been inspired by the holy Spirit because man could never have writtin the bible on his own. every letter, every word, evry phrase is numbered and no other book in the world can duplicate the meaning of the numbers when translated. also, it has been proven that the 7 books that the rcc 'added' to the bible do NOT show Holy Spirit inspiration and cannot be numbered. barron, u "hope for a unification of protestant and catholic"? it will NEVER happen. not only would the rcc have to get rid of all ur 'added' traditions, sacraments, idolatry, paganism, etc. but u have a pope who has set up a One World Religion where this pope is accepting all religions, homosexuals, voo doo, etc telling them that without Jesus they still will all go to heaven. God said he would curse those who refused to obey his commands and teachings with a reprobate mind > a mind that can not understand the things of God or heaven. after listening to you I am inclined to believe u are cursed with such a mind.

  19. 25:38 "why do rcc pray to dead crations (called saints)? #1 no one on earth knows who got into heaven or who was sent to hell. as a priest, 'you' should know that a lot of evil sin goes on behind closed doors. #2 ONLY God is Omnipresent. there isn't a saiint in heaven that would hear a million different prayers from any of ur catholics praying to them. #3 NO ONE in the history of the bible prayed to anyone other than God except for the idolators and pagans. #4 God told us NOT to pray to anyone but him! #5 when people wanted to pray to peter and paul they told them NOT to pray to any but God. #6 the rcc has 'added' the pagan ritual of praying to thousands of God's creations instead of to the Creator which is sharing his glory that belongs ONLY to Him. do u need any other facts or r u just going to continue to deny the truth in order to live the lies of the rcc?

  20. Bishop Barron, this is a great video, as always. I’m a convert to Catholicism, and it might help you to know that many non-Catholics have no idea what a “saint” means in the Catholic worldview. It’s someone we know is in heaven (as well as meaning other things). When I say that to people, something clicks in their mind. Then they seem to better understand what I say next. I say “We know they’re up there rubbing elbows with the Big JC, and we have the miracles to prove it.” Then they’re like “Oh!”

  21. The books recommended toward the end are:

    Hard Sayings: A Catholic Approach to Answering Bible Difficulties, by Trent Horn

    Dark Passages of the Bible: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and St. Thomas Aquinas, by Matthew J. Ramage

  22. Why do Catholics deny OSAS? When Jesus is very clear when he said I cast out none I lose none?
    John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

    John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

    John 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

    John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
    Can you explain how to lose the Holy Spirit?
    Jesus said, John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
    Paul then said, Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
    Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. So how is salvation lost?

  23. As a person from a Catholic country but who built the faith on the protestant teaching, I found it so interesting to see both sides of the story. Honestly, I never saw any major misalignment between both. So impressed by the bishop's knowlegde. Wow, thank you for posting.

  24. Small clarification. Einstein’s theory of relativity did not replace Newtonian physics. It only specifies subatomic particle laws and physics. Newtonian physics applies to all non subatomic particles and always will. No change there. Look at it as special relativity added to and expanded our knowledge of physics.

  25. This vide0 brings tears to my eye, God is wonderfu , I can’t thank him enough. People who know I and my husband in our area, They know what we have been through and how long it took us to be successful and where we are at the moment. If you are familiar with the scriptures, I mean the word of God you can tell that Jesus always talked about destiny helpers and I met mine 7 years ago, I met Mr J0hn in a church seminar 7 years ago. His a young man with a good heart. God used him to change my life and the lives of people around us.

  26. Bishop Barron: I am a protestant teaching in a Catholic school and have been pleasantly surprised at the loving acceptance of my "being" in the Catholic church. Never once judged and always included and valued. Not sure if a conversion is on the horizon, but my view of life has opened up due to the Catholic perspective. I'm sure there will never be a time where we agree on everything, but the desire to find out brings me closer to a more intimate relationship with God and the Catholic community. Thank you for all the insight and humility you bring in this video. Be at peace my friend.