Robert Barron | – The Advent Revolution

Is the season of Advent just a cozy, sentimental period before Christmas? Or is it a time of spiritual revolution? In this video, I discuss this important period and share some of my Advent recommendations. A listener asks how to make sense of slavery in the Bible.

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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (38)

  1. Great energy and intellect in these broadcasts with Bishop Robert Barron. The Bible is an important work. I am grateful for those who know it so well to recount or detail its message. I think we understand the civilising and spiritual dimensions of the gravitas of the Catholic church in our societies and our formative development. Reaching out to a world that is conditioned by "self help" and disconnected by a human interaction dominated by the self affirmative, self goal interactions of social media is clearly a challenge for the mission of the Church. Raised as a Catholic as a child it is comforting to hear the familiar message but with much deeper insight and wisdom from figures like Bishop Robert Barron. Religious feeling and the spiritual message is well alive in the American tradition. I feel much more connected to God through the devotion of American Pastors than my homeland indigenous ones of Great Britain. We are captives of "Babylon" in the UK is my intuition.

  2. That was amazing and very important for me to hear. Thank you Bishop Barron and all of you at Ascension Presents.

    May God bless you all and all your good works and endeavors in His Most Holy Name.

    Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

  3. I feel like I can speak for many members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when I say we support and love the advent revolution, we are completely with you in adoring and awaiting anxiously the 1st 2nd and 3rd advents of Christ in the middle of time, into our lives, and in His glorious second Coming.

  4. Amen.
    Peace. Thank you. Happy discerning Advent!
    May we all be 'Joseph and Mary.'
    And may we be by the Grace of God; living as Jesus Christ lived to be always watching and waiting for our meeting Him, by last breath or Second Coming.
    May we know that Jesus Christ's Union of His Human Nature, and by His Own Words; for the Salvation of Souls, truly, substantially, not bound by time, by The Spirit took upon Himself, all unearned suffering from the beginning of time as we know it, until the end of time.
    So, to continue to conform to be a true adopted son or daughter;
    we let Grace conform us to the Life, Passion, and Raised Jesus Christ with do diligence as best we can we every fiber of our being.
    so let's empathize like Jesus Christ with every transcendent soul brought into this world at the moment of conception. The following was a comment in response to someone who noted that a 15 week old baby; but the fallen forces of nature was born too early by a miscarriage of justice. It is good that this person noted that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and was happy for this very young person.
    But we are our brothers and sisters keepers; and the transcendent soul ardently, adamantly, emphatically and naturally desires to live in God's Providence. the response comment is as follows:
    Jesus Christ bringing him through the Garden of Gethsemane; to help Ryan's transcendental soul through his ardent emphatic natural desire to live on the earth in God's Providence;

    to say, 'not as I will but as You Will.'

    Baptism by desire and ordeal.

    It is so difficult but not impossible to fathom, that Jesus Christ's Passion reached from the beginning of time to the end of time as we know it; taking on all unearned suffering to Himself, by the union of His Human Nature & Divine Nature — for the salvation of souls.

    One of the main reasons for the Sacredness of Life Witness; is to help souls see the reality of unearned suffering to aid in the salvation of souls and to say 'yes, Lord, I will be your attendant to share the Kingdom of God with everyone from the moment of conception until someone's last breath as hopefully elderly having lived a long life.' We don't realize nearly enough that ambivalence or complacency toward unearned suffering – with the most immense number being helpless children in the womb; is ambivalence toward Jesus Christ's perfect unearned suffering.

    May more raise awareness for the salvation of souls, and the Grace of God that Commands diligent protection as best we can of every human life from the moment of conception; with our prayer life, speaking witness life, and what we do and where we give consent for a change in atmosphere in laws and practice.

    One of the greatest current errors is at best beating our chests and running away form the cross by not forming the ardent difficult sustained 'sign' for the salvation of souls The Holy Spirit inspired John Paul ii to direct the Church to do; with an integrated, concerted effort in all pastoral, educational, charitable, and all works of the Church. We need to stay at the cross of resistance and reticence of Evanglium Vitae being implemented throughout The Church with sustained compassionate courageous Grace. Otherwise we fall very short of being attendants for The Kingdom of God for every human person.

  5. Most of the people in this comment section should read the bible with Love and not through a sinful eye. The books cover is made of leather, the paper from trees and the ink a now chemical make up, but the lessons are from Love. Follow the ancient path.

  6. You disabled comments in your previous video; is the perfect and unknowable plan God has for you too much for you to accept? How about defending Leviticus 13, or do you refuse to follow the teachings of the Bible that say you are supposed to treat skin diseases? The Bible says such people should go to the priest not the Dr. are you willing to denounce the Bible, or are you going to do your duty and make medical diagnosis as the Bible expects of priests? Hello? I'm serious, God put you in this position now try to apologize your way out… Hello?

  7. This bishop says he believes in the Saviour in the crib, but sadly, he continues to misguide people regarding hell and it's reality.
    The second coming of Our Lord is when He says he will come to judge the living and the dead.
    So I could not recommend this bishop to the people.

  8. Christ was never and never will be a "revolutionary." Satan is the original revolutionary, whereas Christ is the Great Counter-Revolutionary restoring all things in Himself.

  9. Bishop Barron, you're a Prince of the Church with one of the greatest outreaches today. Thanks for what you're doing, however I wish you would you your voice to return the Church to it's sources, it's tradition. As Pope Benedict XVI said after Vatican 2 in response to the "spirit of Vatican 2", "a pernicious anti-spirit has entered the Church". Pope Paul VI said in Oct 13, 1977 that "the darkness of Satan has spread throughout Church all the way to the summit of the Catholic Church, apostasy, the loss of the faith is spreading throughout the world". As a bishop, can you not restore some of the reverse in your diocese at least? Being an example by asking the faithful to receive our Lord on their tongue & even better, while kneeling. You know as well as I, satanist get their host by walking away with them at mass. Communion in the hands was never the plan of Saint John XXIII or Pope Paul VI.

  10. We are not waiting for Christ to come into our lives or hearts. He is already in our lives and hearts if we are Christian. I do like the part about the Old Testament is advent. That has always been my favorite as well. O come, o come Emmanuel. God bless both of you during this advent season.