Robert Barron | – The Mass: Preparing for Sacrifice

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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (25)

  1. God does not = the Catholic Church.

    Donations go to the Catholic Church and one of the wealthiest organizations in the world.

    Why would you tell your secrets to a catholic priest? No wonder they are so wealthy & powerful.

    No gods have ever been shown to be real other than imaginations of the human mind.

    This credulity combined with opportunism has resulted in the systematic sexual abuse of boys and girls for centuries.

  2. Your Excellency, please pray for Argentina. We're very close to passing a law that unrestrictedly decriminalizes abortion. The lives of the unborn innocent are already in the hands of the Lord, so please also send your special prayers to us Argentine Christians, that we may be "a la altura de las circunstancias" whatever the outcome may be, and for all those that sided against us, that they might be converted to Christ and his Church in their lifetime.

  3. In the past the Christian priests were the moral warriors for our western world.
    Today they live in exile in their own bubble and don't give a fck about the people.
    I'm the Christian but I refuse to enter the church.
    I can't stand the Pu**y Christianity.
    The weak Christianity of turning the other cheek.
    I somebody rapes your daughter and kill your family you have to love the enemy.
    What a stupid religion. The Muslims are invading the western world and these priests remain silent.
    The first Christians were the Missionaries because they had a MISSION.
    The first Christians were the fighters for their own people.
    Nowadays Christianity is preaching to you that you have to love the enemies (rapists, killers) and you have to love you next (Africans, Arabs).
    Your next are not the Africans. Your next is your family and your kids and your community.
    Nietzsche was right. Christianity is dead, because the pu**y elites of the Christianity killed her.
    Nobody wants to follow a weak Religion. We also have a liberal pope who tells us that open Borders and Diversity (replacement of white people) is good.
    The Christian elites have given up the western world and given up the faith in god.
    I'm living in Munich and have never seen a priest in the public place.
    WHERE ARE YOU? Where are you hiding?
    Why have you given up the Followers of your Religion?
    Jordan Peterson said he never goes to church because he perceives that YOU don't believe in god.
    The first Christian died for their Religions and fought for their believe.
    And what are YOU doing? you are hiding yourself and raping the little kids.
    The Christian elites of nowadays are pu**s.

  4. The people are thirsty for the Christian Religion.
    They are watching the biblical lectures of Jordan Peterson as me.
    And what are you doing. YOU ARE HIDING YOURSELF.
    As I told you. I'm living in Munich. A megacity and have never seen the priest in my last 10 years living there.
    WHERE ARE YOU? Why have you given up the Christianity and have left the followers of Jesus?
    The Christians have always been the Missionaries. Because they have a mission from god in order to bring this mission to the people.
    But you Christian Elites don't believe in God anymore. There is no god in your place.
    In Germany the Churches get the money from the state for one reason.
    To stop PREACHING and stop exercise the Christian Religion.
    The state gives you welfare. On the other hand you have to leave your followers.
    When you go to the Muslim world you see the Muslim priest everywhere.
    When you go to Israel you see the Rabbis everywhere.
    When you go to the western country you see the Christian priests NOWHERE.
    Where are you? You are the puppets of the neo-liberal ruling class.

  5. Hey Bishop, if you really want to turn around and win the culture war you really ought to speak with people like jordan peterson, ben shapiro, do Dave Rubin's show again, and eventually get on the joe rogan experience. You already have an in to that world having done Dave Rubins show. There are legions of young men searching for meaning and truth in general right now and it would be a shame if Catholicism never came up in that search, which is where it is now. We desperately need the catholic point of view on display in this region. In short we have to present the truth to those who are seeking it. Thanks and God Bless

  6. I was just watching the last video in this series, and in the talk you said that the body and blood of Jesus was separated on the cross, therefore it's important that the bread and wine are separated on the altar. I'm just confused as to what you meant.

  7. I say to God im a girl after Your heart often times i dont know how God wants me to prepare taking His heart in the body of Christ, the blessed sacrament the heart of Jesus i wish i knew in more detail how to love God as He deserves to be loved, i just come as i am and give my best but i doubt its good enough

  8. It seems more and more like you're creating the Robert Barron brand of Catholicism.

    All of these productions are highly romanticized and dramatic. Almost as if you're attempting to make up for a lack of genuine substance.