Robert Barron | – The Mass: The Real Presence Creates Communion

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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (16)

  1. I have no doubt that God can change reality, with that being said, the things you can prove you should prove.
    The healings Christ did were proven with seeing it done and the lame walking etc; with communion, I think it should be proven via dna testing.
    This is something that has the ability to be proven in this realm of reality so I think it has the responsibility to be proven.

  2. Nowhere does the Bible teach that a self proclaimed priest "changes reality" of bread to anything, much less the literal, physical body of Christ. This is blasphemy. Even if it were true, the fact that people then put this into their mouths would be even more blasphemous! And even if all of this were true, why would it need to be done over and over and over? Again, this is blasphemy of the most appalling sort.
    The Bible says Christ was sacrificed ONCE for sins. And nowhere does it teach the mythical idea of transubstantiation. (Otherwise people would be worshipping a piece of bread. Horrifying!)

  3. Hmm…!!!!!. So a earthly priest of this world can take a metaphor and change or speak it into reality. Wow. !!!!!. So this is transubstantiation according to the council of trent. But was this interpreted this way in the original Hebrew scrolls. Access to the ancient Hebrew scrolls writings are available via early translators who saw the original Hebrew writings and wrote about them. This was before the council of trent.

  4. Shouldn't the Eucharist be a one-off thing like baptism.
    John 6:35 I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

    Not only people obviously get hungry and thirsty after having the REAL transubstantiated blood and flesh of Jesus, but they also claim it's spiritual effect is also time limited.
    The Catholic insistence on REAL(whatever that means) transubstantiation is eerily suspicious.

    I have to play the devil's advocate sorry: Is there a REAL absence of God otherwise, is your God only really present in this ceremonial meal but really really absent with the hungry crushed and diseased wretched souls.

  5. God’s Word changes reality. Amen. I’ve discovered this truth over the last year, having entered the Catholic Church on September 10, 2017. The Eucharist was a big part of what brought this anti-Catholic Baptist home. This Sunday, God be praised, my 21-year-old son is scheduled to be baptized and enter the Catholic Church. God is so good. My testimony is found at

  6. Sorry Your Grace, I still don't understand this entire doctrine. Was brought up in the faith but the transubstantiation idea has never made any sense to me. I can appreciate the metaphorical use of part of the gospels (last supper) with some bread and wine as a prop to help people to understand. But how can there be an objective change in the nature of the food? Perhaps someone could put it into extremely simple language as it's all got too confusing.

  7. Hola, alguien tendrá un link de esta serie de vídeos del Obispo Barron doblados al español o con subtítulos. No todo mundo tiene internet o habla inglés. Poderlos enviar por Whatsapp es la posibilidad de llevarlos a mucha gente de habla hispana.