Robert Barron | – Understanding Genesis: Abraham and Isaac

Friends, today we continue our “Word on Fire Show” series on how to understand Genesis by discussing Abraham and Isaac. Watch and learn about these two pivotal figures in salvation history.

A listener asks, where can I learn more about God’s non-competitive transcendence?

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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (49)

  1. I grew up fetching water from the Well, where all people in the community converge to get water. Well is a meeting point where older people, when I was a teenager come to look for girls. Water is life and the most important after other things, people must come to get water and you will see all the fine ladies. Am not surprised that people of the ancient world found wives in the well

  2. "We've all said yes to this higher voice" – So, is having faith in what Paul preaches the same "higher voice" in the story of Abraham?

    "The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." – Genesis 12:1

    Clearly, the writer who invented this fictional story about Abraham thinks God talked directly to Abraham. There is no indication that faith had anything to do with what is driving Abraham. One could easily say fear of punishment for not following what God commands is driving Abraham. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding" Proverbs 9:!0.

    This is the bait and switch Paul is performing with his preaching "See Abraham believed God, therefore believing is what God wants… so you must believe me…." . Guess what! It worked. It's easier to believe a salvation scheme gets you salvation than believing you must do as God commands.

    24 The Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the Lord our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today. 25 And if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness.”

    Christianity is the blood cult of lazy

  3. Thank you Bishop, grateful to hearing your lecture. This call for a radical trust in God, to be able to give up your comfort or even your self-made dreams for the greater eternal good in God, which is at the moment hidden, is very significant and becoming more relevant.

    I didn't read that many Church teachers, it's a very intriguing point also when I read that part of Genesis about the meeting at the well between Abraham's servant and Rebecca, and Rebecca was a member of Abraham's extended family, and the servant was guided by an Angel of God who was not visible at all and the servant was worried he would not be successful in his mission. But God's divine providence always worked in everything and he was successful in bringing Rebecca as Isaac's bride.

    Regarding Jesus' own encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, I noticed personally that in the Old Covenant God wanted first through Abraham faithful descendants of his own house, but Jesus then as the Son of God came to the well to bring the Good News and salvation, to an unfaithful Samaritan, and Jesus went on to tell her, "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him." (John 4: 21-23)

    It's like Jesus finally fulfilled what that encounter at the well a long time ago was meant to be, and as you said in this lecture that the promised land is a place of preparation for the final fulfillment by God, Jesus fulfilled that preparation by finally making greater descendants of Abraham the many nations outside the exclusivity of the Jerusalem Temple, descendants of Abraham with the Sacred Heart and the living water of Christ who was before Abraham the "I Am", starting from the Samaritan woman at the well. But this is just my personal take on it. God bless you Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt.

  4. I know a man named Abraham, I let him into my home, treated him like family, drank with him, smoked with him. Then knowing he was a medical doctor and long time friend of the family, I confided in him with a secret that I had only told maybe 5 people total in my life at that point. Immediately he deceived my mother, conspired with other doctors, had me abducted, held down, drugged, and stole my blood. I told him Abraham is far too great of a name for him, from now on, I am calling him Judas Iscariot. At least Judas Iscariot could argue that he did not understand the instructions "go and buy a sword" and "do what must be done." The man I used to call Abraham, he is so corrupt that he makes Judas Iscariot appear to be a saint. I do believe that Judas Iscariot bore far more blame than he deserved for not understanding "do what must be done," after the devil had already entered into him. The Bible also tells us that Jesus gave Peter a third name, which was Satan, yet we say that Satan is a saint and the one the devil went into was the evil one. It at least helped me get much closer to the truth as to the "international secret society" that murdered my father. Judas Iscariot confessed to me that his son owns a film studio named Illuminati Studios or something like that and that he was very familiar with the Extreme Oath of the Jesuit Order, confessing affiliations with both of the two branches of the Order of Seth, or Sith as George Lucas puts it. I sent a message to the Emperor of the Sith/Seth, and told him no more Jesu-Sith mind tricking his followers to think that the Hebrew alphabet is "magic runes" so his followers will no recognize they have the mark of the beast.

  5. Thank you Bishop Barron and Brandon, i love watching and listening to both of you on Word on Fire show. i will never miss any of your videos. Bishop Barron, your talk on Abraham and isaac from the book of Genesis, was very very interesting, and I'm looking forward to hear your next talk on Jacob. GOD bless you both. Stay safe. ➕❤

  6. brother Barron
    19:3121:15 is pure truth
    and we shall love the Lord
    our God
    with all our heart,
    and mind
    and soul
    and spirit Christ in Christians

    WHAT is the reason
    that scripture
    soul ? and also spirit ?

    The soul and the spirit
    aren't the same.

    Each and every
    living person and animal
    has a soul
    until the person or animal dies.

    The soul consists of the 5 senses:
    see – hear – touch – smell – taste
    and intellect

    The Spirit is Jesus Christ
    living within a persons

    Each and everyone
    alive has a living breathing
    soul and was and is
    made in the image of God.

    Therefore, any good
    within a persons heart actually
    is the image of God

    If individuals don't know of this truth
    than individuals could
    and might
    take pride in themselves.


  7. "My father was a wandering Aramean"
    Deuteronomy 26:5

    When you travel in the middle East and get to know the peoples, religion and cultures Abraham is their patriarch. Syriac Christians like Maronites, Chaldeans and Assyrians believe Abraham was originally one of them before he left for Canaan. In fact today there's a Christian community today recognized by the knssest called Arameans. I highly recommend reading up on Israeli-Aramean-Maronite-Aramaic activist Shadi Khollul of the philos project. Israelis believe Abraham gave birth to their nation as well as Samaritans who still exist(about 1000) today mostly in Nabulus. I also recommend reading up on a real life good Samaritan Abood Cohen who does a lot of good work to build bridges between peoples. Of course Arabs believe they are descended from Ishmael and even the Baha'is a religion from Persia believe their prophet is connected through Abraham's forgotten third wife Keturah.

    "You know, for the longest time I thought you were Jewish. But your father was a Syrian Christian.

    Isn’t that interesting? I must have a Jewish soul. And Syria is not Arab—Syria is Semites. We’re all cousins. I wonder why we don’t get along together better. God help us"
    American-Assyrian-actor F. Murray Abraham

    "If Iraq were a tree then Chaldeans would be its leaves"
    American-Chaldean poet-Ann Esshaki

    “The Aramean Christians consider themselves as a brother people of the Jewish people.”

    Israeli-Aramean-Maronite-Aramaic activist Shadi Khalloul

  8. A discussion that helped me right now, whose voice am I listening to? God made me hear and my faith in Christ was rekindled in a new way today! I wonder if Abraham is "a or the" father of a primitive understanding of the Resurrection? (See Hebrews 11:17-18 NRSRCe, 17 By faith Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac. He who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only son, 18 of whom he had been told, “It is through Isaac that descendants shall be named for you.” 19 He considered the fact that God is able even to raise someone from the dead—and figuratively speaking, he did receive him back.)

  9. Mr. Barron, I want to congratulate you for making the list of men that deserve a few words to say the least. I'm sure that you are aware of your mission and your goals in these last days, as am I. Since you are one of the major mouthpieces of the online work of the great dragon, I want you to listen closely to my words. Begin to tell the truth, repent for what you have done, and turn from your wicked ways. I'm sure you are aware of what the Roman empire has done in order to poison the truth of the identity of the son of the most high God. I know you believe that the past does not affect you, and that the dead cannot affect the living, but trust me this could not be further from the truth. What I am offering you is the chance to stop what you are doing, step down from your mantle, and discard your bloody uniforms. Go and tell the one who commands you that he himself has strayed from the path and that you will no longer be a part of what has been planned. Do these things and you shall be shown a measure of grace and mercy, do it not and the meeting in front of the great white throne shall not go as you had hoped it would.
    Sincerely- just a messenger.

  10. Absolutely lose me with circumcision chief. Infant is unable to process the pain their experiencing remember the pain their experiencing it's just institutionalized child abuse and if you're going to make excuses for it man you're going to chase people like me away from your church.

  11. I hope Bishop Barron doesn't miss doing an episode on the father of the Arabs Ishmael in this series. Even Josephus referred to the Arabs as Ishmaelites. Even before there was descent Arab Christian tribes like the Ghassainds and the Christian of Narjan.

    Arise, shine, for your light has come,

    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

    See, darkness covers the earth

    and thick darkness is over the peoples,

    but the Lord rises upon you

    and his glory appears over you.

    Nations will come to your light,

    and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

    “Lift up your eyes and look about you:

    All assemble and come to you;

    your sons come from afar,

    and your daughters are carried on the hip.

    Then you will look and be radiant,

    your heart will throb and swell with joy;

    the wealth on the seas will be brought to you,

    to you the riches of the nations will come.

    Herds of camels will cover your land,

    young camels of Midian and Ephah.

    And all from Sheba will come,

    bearing gold and incense

    and proclaiming the praise of the Lord.

    All Kedar’s flocks will be gathered to you,

    the rams of Nebaioth will serve you;

    they will be accepted as offerings on my altar,

    and I will adorn my glorious temple.
    Isaiah 60:1-7

  12. Love listening to all homilies from Bishop Barron USA and Fr. Oluoma Nigeria, I am amazed at the similarities of such different styles. They both enrich my spiritual life and understanding. May God bless them more.

  13. @10:20 you speak as if the land that God brought the Israelites into beyond the Jordan, when they crossed over to Jericho, was a arid desert, the wasteland that it mostly is today. Please explain to me how the spies brought back a cluster of grapes that hung to the ground from the shoulders of those that brought it back?
    The desertification of the land is due to sin, as much as the land here also is becoming a wasteland, where before it was roamed by millions of bison, wild turkeys and other game, huge forests that were cut down.
    It little prior to this, you also said that Peter was being led by the Holy Spirit when his time came to mirror Christ, literally, at his end. Please don't be so narrow. The Lord says many things and means to accomplish them in many ways, in heaven as it is on earth. Those who clothed him to bring him to his end were also leading, father. To say he did not want to go where the Spirit called him to is to cast his willingness to fulfill Jesus' prediction into hesitation and doubt. You may say that Jesus didn't want to walk the way of pain either, that he made himself obedient to the requirement. But leaving out the other side of the fulfillment will leave you with only heaven's requirement to subject us to undesirable ends, which will justify the Gnostics who think evil is part and parcel with all good. It is both and you cannot divorce the wheat from the weeds while they are still growing together.

  14. The explanation of the division of Abram's sacrifices, from my book in progress:

    (Gen 15:1) ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward’. Surely Abram was in great consternation over the results of the battle and feared any future retribution from the northern kingdoms, or possibly even conflict with his now enriched neighbors. Being consoled by the first part of the vision, Abram, lamentably, did not fully comprehend its latter part. Abram was being offered a portion within the eternal rest and bosom of God. The Almighty himself had become his reward and safeguard, but having humility and the things of the world in mind, he questioned the reason for any further reward when he responded, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” So we see the devaluation of the highest promise, reduced to comparison to the gifts of a perishable nature: “This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir…Look up to the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be.”

    This time Abram believed God, and this was credited to him as righteousness. Stars in the heavens are much better than dust in the wind. By their light are many lead through dark paths and their years will be many. Yet his offspring have to dwell somewhere, and so he speaks again to complete the promise, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take possession of it.” Grace is obviously lost at this point when doubt answers back, “Sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” At this point we have the revelation of the future division of the promise. It will not be enjoyed fully, but suffer rupture. What is the heifer (Numbers 19) except the loss of an object just short of its potential, that leaves nothing behind, and the ensuing loss becomes the purifying salve for uncleanness, kept as a reminder. As a leader, Abram must bring the goat (Lev 4:22). For carelessly swearing, the dove and young pigeon (Lev 5:7), because at this point he cannot afford the Lamb. For sinning unintentionally regarding the The Lord’s holy things, the ram (Lev 5:15). Hell is open and the scavengers of the sky make their best effort to defile what is left vulnerable and in the open. Despite his best efforts he’s overcome by exhaustion at twilight and falls into a thick and dreadful sleep, wherefrom God speaks to him directly for the first time, “Know thou beforehand that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land not their own, and they shall bring them under bondage, and afflict them four hundred years. But I will judge the nation which they shall serve, and after this they shall come out with great substance. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace, and be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall return hither: for as yet the iniquities of the Ammorites are not at the full until this present time.”

    Here you see clearly the reason for each animal and why they were divided.

  15. I got to know you thanks to Dr. Jordan Peterson. I am a Christian in Korea. Korea has serious problems with feminist politics. We see, hear, and communicate these issues frequently in the world, but I think Korea is also a country with very serious problems worldwide. In addition, the contradiction of the judicial system, the problem that men are not protected even if they become unfair criminals, false reports in education and the media, and false interpretation of statistics are serious political incitement. And because the politically-biased middle-age generation (to protect democratic politics) is so advocate for this issue, it has become a bigger mainstream, and many churches are prioritizing their teachings over the Bible. Many young men and women (especially men) are struggling. This is a huge barrier to entering the church. So please add more Korean subtitles to your videos in the future. It will help us a lot. thank you.

  16. I always appreciate these videos. I do think there’s more going on than simply Abraham’s faith being an example of what is required for personal commitment. Abraham was chosen to start the events that would undo the tragedy of the garden, and begin the whole process of salvation. Would he pass the test? Or would someone else need to be found who would listen and therefore become the father of our faith?

  17. We in our urban environment don't appreciate the number of stars. Go to the wilderness, high on a mountain, or in a desert away from lights, and you will see a true panorama of stars, not dimmed by our own lights… That's what Abraham would have seen…


  19. UHM.. the answer Abraham should of given to he voice in his head is no. Go away evil thoughts i will not sacrifice my son to anyone.
    The moral here is good people are able to go good things and bad people are able to do some bad things, but if you want good people to be able to do some bad things, it takes religion.

  20. Bishop Barron, did the Samaritan Woman accept the proposal to marry Jesus? And when you mean, Jesus proposed, does it mean being married to Jesus and not having any earthly husband at all?

  21. Oh Worshippers of Christ! We’d like your most wise to answer our question. If our God was murdered by some people’s actions, then what sort of God is this? And we wonder. Was he pleased by what they did to him? If so then blessed are they, for they must have achieved his pleasure. But if he wasn’t pleased with them, then this must mean they overpowered him. So was the present entity left without a God, an All-Hearing being who can hear prayers? And were the Heavens vacated, when he was placed under the earth and the dirt was above him? And was the Universe left without a God to manage it while his hands were being nailed down? And why didn’t the Angels help him when they heard him cry out? And how could any wooden beam holdup a True God, while He is being fastened to it? And could any iron ever be brought to Him so that it would be driven inside Him and cause Him pain? And how could ever His enemies’ hands ever reach Him, so that they could whip him from behind? And did this Christ revive himself or was there another god that brought him to life? And how strange is it. That a grave could be enclosed on a god. And even stranger is the womb that enclosed him (before.) Which he remained inside for nine whole months, in utter darkness being fed by blood. Then he emerged from the womb as a small child, completely helpless reaching out to be fed. Thus, he ate, drank, and after he answered the call which comes naturally. So is this really a god? High Exalted is Allah above the lies of the Christians. Each of whom will be asked about their fabrications. Oh Cross worshippers, for what reason is someone exalted (for accepting this) and blameworthy for rejecting it? And is it not logical that we should break and burn (what humiliated Christ) and the one that made it? Since (you claim) that God was forcefully crucified upon it, with his hands nailed to it. For truly what a cursed cross to carry? Which one should discard instead of kissing when glanced upon. For (you claim) the Creator was abused upon it. Yet you appear to worship it, so are you one of His enemies? For it was the grave that held your (so-called) god in it. Oh worshippers of Christ, Wake up. For this is what the matter is all about. by: Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah. An Islamic Scholar who died in 1350 CE.