Robert Barron | – Understanding Genesis: Jacob

Friends, today we continue our “Word on Fire Show” series on how to understand Genesis by focusing on Jacob, the son of Isaac and a patriarch of the ancient Jews.

How should we understand his early struggle with Esau, the famous “Jacob’s ladder,” and his mysterious wrestling match and name change? That’s what we discuss today.

A listener asks, why is it that we just got this information from God, from the Bible, only 2,000 years ago? What happened to all those people who lived before the Bible?


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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (42)


  2. Jacob never gave up the fight that night. He was showing God a sign that he was determined to receive his inheritance. In the end God seemed happy to receive Jacob’s sign. We should be like Jacob. Show God signs that we greatly desire to receive our inheritance in heaven.

  3. Thank you Bishop Barron and Brandon. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬. Life is a struggle either with the cruel and haughty world or with the gentle and humble God. The Love of God willed that choice be ours to make.

  4. My take on Jacob: He started out as a mama's boy, but struggled in his life to obtain his masculine identity, which he eventually achieved. And his problems in this regard apply to a lot of men today who are raised by single mothers and the like. Jacob's problems begin with the apparent schism of his parents, it even says that Rebecca and Isaac lived in separate tents. So then, each parent seemed to gravitate to one child, maybe to fill in the void of the lack of marital relationship. So Jacob was a mama's boy, a "sissy." He stayed in the tent with his mother, like a lot of boys today who have no idea of how to be masculine because they live isolated with their mothers. Jacob was highly unusual for the time in that he did things like cooking, etc. Life is tough for the mama's boy, and Jacob was the "Rodney Dangerfield" of the Bible. He didn't "get no respect." It's really hard to pinpoint the most humiliating episode of Jacob's early life, there were so many to choose from. Maybe it was when he had to sneak around with his mother to steal the blessing, and then run with his tail between his legs to avoid Esau's ire. Or maybe it was his wedding day, when Leben tricked him into marrying Leah, and Leben and the wedding guests, and even Rachael, were all laughing at him behind his back. Even Rachael! The woman he loved and thought loved him, too.
    Life is tough for the mama's boy, and people often laugh at them and ridicule them. I can imagine Leben's thoughts when Jacob first appeared at his doorstep, or tent flap. Leben was probably thinking, "Great! My sister has sent me her sissy son, and now what am I supposed to do with him? Another mouth to feed! He better not try to get my daughters, or I'll kill him before Esau ever gets the chance!" So Leben began whipping Jacob into shape, but not in a loving way. And this is what most mama's boys experience, the cruel world out there, ready to ridicule them, and to take advantage of them. It would have been better for Jacob and other boys today in the same situation if they had a loving father to show them how to be a man. But Jacob didn't have that. And neither do an alarming number of boys today, some 60% of boys are raised in single-mother households. And please don't blame women for this–that's what Adam has been trying to do since the Garden, trying to blame his own failings on Eve. (It's amazing to me that so many, including many in the church, criticize women for everything from not being submissive to not wearing a doiley, ah, er, I mean a veil–but have nothing to say about the fathers who completely abdicate their responsibilities as a parent.) But Jacob persevered. Many boys today do not, particularly in the black male community. I'm thinking of the worst case scenario, the Norman Bates character in "Psycho," who so resents his life as a social misfit that he resorts to murder and mayhem.
    The Bible gives a three point action plan for the development of the mama's boy: 1.) Separation from the mother–the mama's boy has to go "cold turkey" like Jacob when he had to depart after stealing the blessing. Some ancient societies recognized that it was important for a boy not to be constantly with his mother. Medieval societies separated the boy from the mother at about age 8, and so did the civilization of Sparta. But a separation from the mother later in life can also work–Jacob was probably in his teens when he had to make a hasty retreat from his mother. Today, that need could be filled then by a mandatory draft of teenage males starting at age 18. 2.) A male example, preferably a friendly source who cares about the boy–which Leben was not; nevertheless, he was better than nothing. 3.) A woman who turns the mama's boy on sexually and who isn't too easy to get–in Jacob's case, this need was filled by Rachael.
    Absent the opportunity for these three points, Catholicism also offers another route for the mama's boy, and I think that is in the life of St. Martin DePorres, whose father also abandoned the family. on top of that, DePorres also had to deal with all the prejudices of his being half black. So DePorres developed a level of compassion and supernatural healing ability, even for animals, as a result of his personal suffering. And, like Jacob, DePorres also eventually accomplished a lot, being appointed as a priest, even though, at that time, that option was not open to black men, the superiors at his parish saw how great he was and said the heck with the prejudices.
    The mama's boy is not necessarily a low achiever. Some famous mama's boys who achieved a lot: President FDR and Andrew Carnegie and J. Edgar Hoover.

  5. Jesus came from one of Leah's sons. Was it a mater of trust, discipline, or patience. To what extant does the evil one cause change via concupiscence. God can give grace or The Holy Spirit to any one at any point in time. If a pattern had to be for all 12 son's to be of significance. My belief or thought is the 12 apostles were defendants of Jacobs sons. A pattern of righteousness due to maybe Jacob's enduring patience.

  6. Thanks for your conversation about this topic on Esau and Jacob. As an African Catholic baptized in the church in 1960,I was moved by this same story when I listened to another angle offered in a sermon delivered by the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen under the title "The Stranger within" . I can sense the theological relationship in his and your explanation on the story. Could I be right in my observation eventhough he was more lengthy in his explanation compared to your brief version with the host during the interview on the same topic? I ask because since listening to Bishop Sheen's sermon on "The Stranger within",I came to somewhat understand a little more the lesson in Jacob's encounter with the stronger wrestling opponent who wounded him. Please teach me with a response. Thanks.

  7. Twins in ancient times were considered extremely special. Heck, even back in the 1920s they were special. My mother was a twin, and she said that when her mother wheeled them down the street, people made much of them.

    For every Old Testament story, you have to understand the significance of every aspect of that ancient time period in order to understand what God meant. What significance were twins in that ancient culture? I don't see how any average person can ever get to God.

  8. Life's survival energy divide into 2 , One is only self benefit Angle only Frome, 2nd is his circle benefit views according self including also . And it is partition point for include order of second for include rest of those whoo needs also benefit, are only freedoms and right of rest populations as cooperative. No fighting atmosphere. Is wishing his Kingdome.

  9. 3 genres – BODY, MIND, HEART – "The infinite distance from bodies to minds is an image of the infinite distance from minds to charity, because supernatural. All worldly power is nothing for those seeking the mind. Great minds are invisible to kings, to the rich. Geniuses have their empire and have no need of worldly greatness. They are seen, not by eyes, but by minds. Saints have their empire seen by God and not by bodies or minds. Jesus." – PASCAL

  10. I am an atheist but how can I take this religion seriously when the traditional Catholics are persecuted by the Pope and Cupich who allow all kinds of irreverent Broadway esc plays where Eucharistic prayers are made up on the spot. One cannot seriously believe in the real presence when you people are so flippant about it.

    It's worse for me than 1000 Donations of Constantine.

    I think I will convert and become a Sede

  11. i recall a moment on the golf course . i teed up on a long par four . my drive was a dud ,hit a tree bounced close to the forest line l about 230 yds from the hole . for some mysterious reason rather than getting angry I just said 'oh well this is where God wanted me to be ' Than i picked up my three wood and hit the best shot of my life ,about a inch from the hole . i smiled and said ' Thanks God "

  12. Is Jacob's story one of the only times in the story that sleeping is a good thing, which doesn't simply mean unawareness?

    The wisdom gained by dreaming seems to negate the unawareness of sleep. Or maybe sleeping and dreaming are a juxtaposition of awareness and unawareness. Or does it imply a wisdom you have at some level, but haven't quite figured out yet?