Robert Barron | – What Are the Laity Supposed to Be?

Friends, Vatican II speaks of “the universal call to holiness.” Imagine what would happen if, overnight, every Catholic commenced to live in accordance with this call. What would this look like for the laity?


Bishop Barron on Vatican II and the Power of the Laity: [support us]
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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (46)

  1. What would happen if priests and lay people led a life that was honorable to their God and parishioners? What a gift that would be. Unfortunately that did not happen in Boston when I was growing up. Maybe that is why Catholics only make up 25% of Christians in America?

    Less cover up and more accountability would be appreciated. Thank you.

  2. A short talk that summarizes the essence of our life on this earth… living as Children of God, as sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, and as temples of the Holy Spirit… and still, til eternity with the Holy Trinity and more. Bishop Barron, thank you so much for making understable what we struggle to make sense of… thank you! God bless you Bishop!

  3. Why can’t the Latin Mass advocates be obedient to the rulings of the Church and accept restrictions now placed on it in the liturgical life of the Church. In our countries English is the norm or ‘ordinary’ as the Church is calling it. We want unity of worship but they seem to want things their own way.

  4. a brief, broad and definite message on how to live a christian life – poverty, chastity and obedience. I thank God for your life, B Barron. May God bless you with good health and long life! thank you for this timely reminder.

  5. Obedience is the tricky one. Obedience to God and obedience to church. If you listen to different Christian pastors/priests you may be instructed in many different ways. Even popes can differ in important ways. In political ways for instance. It would be helpful to go into more detail on obedience to God v obedience to church (pastors, priests, etc.). Bring out the microscope on obedience.

  6. Thanks so much Bishop Baron. Of course you already know it, but this idea of universal vocation to holiness is already in the message that God wanted Saint Josemaria Escriva to spread back in the 1928. Totally new, as well as old, while it is evangelical. Somehow, it was forgotten in the passing of the history of the church. Second Vatican reclaims it. And yet there is a long way to ride until this great news arrives to all. Thank you!

  7. Third orders are a great help in trying to live these councils. They give a structure to the whole process and bring friendship and support. I am a 2 nd year novice in the St Francis Third order confraternity of penitents ( CFP). But there are many out there.

  8. Thank you Bishop, you are giving me hope. To be united with Our Father in Heaven, Christ gave us a map, now we need to follow him from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. Listen to the higher call, start with little things. Give a smile to someone, help out your parents, talk to people and pay attention, do not stop and keep moving and the Holy Ghost will show you The Way. Peace be with you ☦️.

  9. Saying that to a modern gay couple might well get you prosecuted for conversion therapy. The prelates are the ones who lack courage. Many laity follow them like sheep. Bish. Barron and Gomez are doing their best. But he should do the next episode for the priests and bishops incl our Pope. Terrible failure to speak boldly and with power. It’s unevangrlical. Just think of St John the Baptist. What the gospel today says of him. How he lived and WHY he died.

  10. Most people don't want to lead; they want to be led. Because of that, the laity need strong, holy clergy to lead by example who speak the truth, however unpopular it is or how uncomfortable it makes you. This is why people are leaving the Church in the West, it is too ecumenical and accommodating and validating of man. Why go to church if everything is OK? Teach people what they need to change and why. The clergy needs more people like you Bishop Barron, to lead the faithful to have parish community central to their lives.

  11. Oui. Nous prêchons par nos actions et nos paroles. Mais avant qu’un pharisien ne dise à un scribe d’enlever la tache dans son œil, le pharisien devrait d’abord enlever la planche dans la sienne, afin qu’il puisse mieux voir!

  12. I was surprised to discover that priests don’t take a vow of poverty. Many are wealthier that their parishioners. And bishops are wealthier still. How many are given homes to live in, housekeepers, cooks? As to the other evangelical councils, just look at the scandals in the church and you’ll see that it isn’t the laity alone that need to live by them.

  13. I have lived these principles…and I see the fruit in my own children, now on their way to adulthood. But you shouldn’t tell people to expect to “change the world.” That’s an appeal to the desire for power. If you live this way, God will carve out an oasis of harmony in your own home. The world you change will be your own tiny sphere.

  14. Thank you Bishop for your wonderful talk particularly on a message of chastity. I led a double life of practicing Catholic going through the motions for many years while leading a life of promiscuity. My marriage almost fell apart. The Blessed Mother intervened at the darkest moment of my life to save my marriage 14 years ago during a trip to Medjugorje. I now have an immense love for our Blessed Mother and really commit myself to living that life of chastity. I go to Mass regularly during this pandemic and not being attached to things of this world because I now have a great love and firm conviction in Jesus being fully present in Holy Eucharist. Faith is a grace and I only received this gift of faith after my profound conversion.

  15. I always appreciate your insights, Bishop Baron. But as a Protestant, I must admit, this one surprised me.
    Let me explain. At a time I was suffering from an undiagnosed sarcoma, God gave what I call my morning SOPs (Standard Operating Prayers). Among them is the following:
    Who is like unto You, O God,
    Glorious in holiness, fearful in praise, doing wonders?
    Therefore I offer You the most precious of all my possessions:
    The next 24 hours that You give to me,
    I offer back to You.
    I pray that you sanctify them:
    The good, the bad,
    Their sorrows and joys,
    That through them,
    I may come to learn You better.
    Be more open to the leading of Your Holy Spirit,
    And may find a greater will, knowledge and power
    To obey You
    Today than yesterday.

    My surprise (read shock) is discovering that I was praying to follow Roman Catholic Evangelical Councils!