Robert Barron | – What Makes Us Happy?

The annual United Nations World Happiness Report, which measures the happiness of different countries, is always dominated by Scandinavian nations. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland have always been in the top ten.

But what’s striking is that these happiest countries are also those which rank among the least religious. On the flip side, most African countries, which tend to be the very religious, consistently land near the bottom of the U.N. Happiness Report.

What should we make of this? How should we actually define happiness, and what have the great thinkers and saints throughout time said about finding happiness? That’s what we discuss in today’s episode of “The Word on Fire Show.”

A listener asks how we reconcile all the violence/competition seen in nature with the Creator God of peace.

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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (45)

  1. I have converted because of Sister Clare Crockett and you. I had to put her first because the documentary about her journey "All or Nothing" changed my life! I got my Catechism books after Mass this morning! I LOVE Mass!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I want Faith, Hope and Love from my family. I feel like a doormat and at the present time I pray for Our Lord to bring me home cause I am tired of this life. I wish I can experience the happiness Bishop Barron speaks of.

  3. You can be happy even in the state of depression even in that state you can have an experience of god that brings a state of contement while being unable to rise yourself your sole can still be in a state of peace that can bring u a state of happiness of the intellectual

  4. My dog is in constant pursuit of gratification and whines for treats all the time and sometimes I give them to him when he’s been sweet and good but if I gave them everytime he would die from diabetes or pancreatitis

  5. trouvez la partie enracinée (l'humilité), reconnaissez le péché en vous, voyez que vous n'êtes pas votre propre monde.
    “Find the center, realize you are a sinner, realize your life is not about you.”

  6. Excellent episode. Keep up the good work. God is good. He is way better than any person we have met. Happiness is about love. Do a little bit, a little bit until all around us is loved. Miserable person are those who does not give love. Eat, Pray, Love (Physical, Intellectual and Spiritual, Le Coeur). Thank you Bishop Barron.

  7. 'From everyone to whom much was given, much will be expected' (Luke 12:48) Bishop Barron has been given many gifts, and what an example he gives to us on how we must use those gifts, and turn them towards what God 'expects' of us . Find and know your talents. Use them for the much needed evangelization. God needs every single one of us. Thank you Bishop Barron.

  8. An unbelievable unpacking of a real complex topic! An explanation that goes from Aristotle to Aquinas to Pascal to GK! You guys are playing on a whole different level than the rest of us and I for one thank you for sharing that level of thought with all of us. This was fantastic!

  9. Your exellency, would You ever consider talking about Happytalism? UN is calling all countries to accept it.
    For my understanding, it’s something between etatism and neoliberalism, based on helping people (or different communities) to find their own way to well being.
    Three words are the main focus in economy-diversity, green and digital.
    More services economy, less producing.

    This kind of living would be possible for those who want it;
    You live in a small self sustainable minimalistic home wherever you prefer, working tool is laptop, paying/earning in all possibile cryptocurrency you want, live however you want your life to be.

    Nothing against catolicism or other religions, but here is the catch-
    for younger people it seems like freedom, earning from different platforms on net, investing in cryptocurrency and earn from it, more and more younger people like the idea. Fast earning, be free and by 30 go to pension. Very possibile, many parents face the ideas of own children even today!
    If You want to really understand in wich direction this is going, see a few vids of Nate O’Brien on You tube. Beautifull young person who lives a great life, has many subs, inspiration for many young people.

    But the onley question I ask myself- is there something wrong when such a young men makes a vid how to earn 1 million$ in just one year and by 24 to go to pension and be free the rest of his life?

    It’s very very real! I know someone who reacentley started to earn this way- just laptop and working on many talents on many levels, on everything what could be the source of earning- musical bits, graphics, cryptocurrency purchase/sale etc.

    Could You pretty please tackle Happytalism?
    Thank You million times❤️

  10. Happiness is not about good life style. These type of surveys can be very misleading to the public. I believe that hardship brings you closer to god, on the other hand when you have it easy in life, never worked hard to achieve something then of course you won't think of a spiritual life. That's what these stupid surveys are based on. I'm a perfect example of being in a comfortable lifestyle doesn't not mean you are happy, i never lacked on anything, never had easy too as I come from a working background but i truly appreciate life when i started to be closer to god.

  11. Bishop Barron (whom I wholeheartedly admire) is of course completely right, from a deep philosophical and theological point of view. However, I wouldn't dismiss as trivial the higher level of reported "happiness" in Scandinavia (and also Canada, where I live!), and would argue that it is a direct consequence of having a political and cultural environment where the virtue of charity (even if outwardly secularized) is taken more seriously via concrete social welfare policies. It saddens me that a highly developed and strongly religious country like the US is unable to come together to address profound societal evils like gun proliferation and violence against Black people. Of course, no country is perfect, but something is clearly awry in a country where mass shootings occur every other week, and I would hope that US religious leaders would speak up more often against such evils. Anyway, sorry for the rant! Thank you, Bishop Barron (and Brandon), for proclaiming Christ to the culture so eloquently in all your work.

  12. Best teacher preacher pastor prophet Bishop father I love you You're the best teacher ever I shouldn't watch it all night and day I've learned so much from you been watching you for 13 years since you first came out with Catholicism on TV I was blown away

  13. Does it mean those who are not Christian or unwilling to accept the Judeo-Christian concept of faith and civilization could not find real happiness and peace or because they refused are automatically sent to hell?

  14. For the first time after dozens of virtual encounters I totally disagree with Bishop Barron. I think that peace and happiness are being confused here. We may agree, I think, that happiness is desirable for us and our neighbors. A state of extreme poverty (more common in the world than being able to afford basic necessities) is never desirable. A state of war or even great instability is never desirable. A place of forced isolation or restrained freedom, like prison, is not desirable. I know that in any situation one can find solace and peace through God that makes one's lot bearable. However, it is not happiness. I may even agree that peace, particularly that obtained by the grace of God, seems of a higher quality and more lasting than happiness but it is not a state of satisfaction, which happiness is, but a state of "transcendence" which is not easily achieved. Taking a desperately poor Indian who claims to be happy as an example of the face of happiness is a very poor illustration of the state of happiness. I do not think anyone would wish that state of deprivation for him/herself or his/her neighbor being at peace or not.

  15. I request you Hi Brother and Sister Help me I'm very worried I really need help I'm just worried about my situation I've been worried for five years No one has helped me yet I also want to do something in my life Please help me God bless you

  16. You have read about me I have taken political asylum in this country I've been worried for five years No one has helped me yet I need help so much brother I am not a beggar
    I'm worried about my situation I have no one in this country I'm alone Help me for god's sake I'm very worried Can I leave this country? Because I am very worried in this country Here again you do me a favor Brother, I really need four things
    No food + I have no clothes + I don't have a house to live in Need some cooking utensils You can't even think
    How can I survive in such a situation?
    I have nothing help me brother god bless you

  17. In a hierarchy of values, serve the highest value first and all the lower values will be served best as well.

    David Attenborough took issue with the botfly, and I'm referencing the womans question at the end.

    I dont know Gods purpose for the botfly, but Attenborough expresses a confusion at how a loving God could allow such a creature to exist. Asking how could a creature that burrows into eyeballs of human children be a creature of God.

    I dont have an answer but I see where the woman was coming from.

    Really starting to love these discussions