| – (Audio Sermon Clip) The Blasphemy Of Prosperity Preaching by David Wilkerson

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SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages [support us] /> #Jesus #Sermons #Sermon

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About The Author 2f00e1bab8d610e4 Founded in 2002. Access over 100,000+ sermon resources. Over 100 million mp3 sermons distributed in 18+ years. 50+ million views on youtube. SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the 'old paths' (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages given.

Comment (39)

  1. Dear friend: Thank you for this message. Tears were in my eyes after hearing thy words of truth from Pastor Wilkerson. It burdens the Lord when hirelings oppress the sheep or anyone else, which is evil. The time has come for God's righteous judgment and justice to 'suddenly' sweep across the globe, to include ungodly leaders if they do not sincerely repent. God bless you and your household. Amen.

  2. Lord let me not preach or testify about anything but YOU JESUS, ONLY YOU. Let it be well with me to be irrelevant in sight of the worldly believers but be relevant to YOU. My heart is breaking not because of these things but that my heart is getting used to such heresies and I'm not grieving anymore. Lord help me.

  3. Unless you get a revelation from Holy Spirit, you cannot discern what is the Blessing of Abraham. Abundance or Supernatural Abundance from Holy Spirit is not automatic. It has to be received. Until then, you tag it under whatever name that is out there.