| – Spiritual Warfare on Earth by Derek Prince

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SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages [support us] /> #Jesus #Sermons #Sermon

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About The Author 2f00e1bab8d610e4 Founded in 2002. Access over 100,000+ sermon resources. Over 100 million mp3 sermons distributed in 18+ years. 50+ million views on youtube. SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the 'old paths' (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages given.

Comment (3)

  1. To anyone reading this and willing — please pray for me (Emily) and my young son (Rivers).. I’m walking through the darkest season of my life. A “man of God” convinced me he was going to marry me, to leave a job I can’t go back to, and to move out of state to his state… and then dumped me. I don’t know where I’m going to live, I don’t have much family.. and I’m struggling with a broken heart and crushed spirit.

  2. How sad we laugh at the comment that demons can be quite comfortable in the churches…
    Men and women
    With hatred for others
    Surfing pornograsphy
    Love of money greed forvmore equates IDOLATRY
    Lying lips
    Thief's in little or much
    Blasphemous use of Jesus name ,Gods name Blasphemed lightly in conversations…
    Non Praying , pharisees religious Lifestyle

    The Two most spiritually neglected and spiritually attracted area's of all Christianity is Prayer closet Life and Bible study Christianity..
    Fervent Heart's engaged in Seeking first the Kingdom of God Almighty and His Righteousness
    Biblical Righteousness
    Biblical Holieness
    Humility of a Desperate Reliance on this Glorious wonderful Treasure living inside this earthen vessel……
    Oh The Depravity of Spirit
    Oh for a Revival of Holieness
    Lord Jesus help us
    Christ Likeness —–
    Do we fall short ???
    Or are we Daily Bible Beaver's for The Lord – feeding on the manna from heaven everyday
    Intimacy in The privacy of the
    Prayer closet Life… ?????