| – The Assyrian Antichrist by Keith Malcomson

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SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages [support us] /> #Jesus #Sermons #Sermon

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About The Author 2f00e1bab8d610e4 Founded in 2002. Access over 100,000+ sermon resources. Over 100 million mp3 sermons distributed in 18+ years. 50+ million views on youtube. SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the 'old paths' (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages given.

Comment (13)

  1. I think it’s logical to assume he will use Islam as a vehicle to unite the Middle East as the Beast Empire before he reveals himself as god. Every nation that is mentioned in the Scriptures as being part of the Beast Empire is Islamic.

    I think he will wear the mask of the Mahdi to establish a new Caliphate and then destroy Mystery Babylon (Saudi Arabia), denounce Islam and declare himself as a deity. By that time his followers will be so enthralled by him fulfilling Islamic prophecies and seeing the miracles the false prophet has done that they will accept his declaration and submit completely to him.

  2. Good teaching. Read Seed of Satan: Antichrist by Kenneth Mcrae via Amazon kindle and paperback and learn the identity of the coming Phoenician/ Assyrian Antichrist king that Rev 17:8-11 declares is soon to rise up from the bottomless pit. He has been here before and is coming back. God bless.

  3. This makes so much sense, but Idk about his race or country of origin yet, they are changing the gov of countries during this pandemic and venezuela haiti parts of Africa and Puerto Rico and japan are other destroyed countries that can be possible empires

  4. Interesting take on these chapters brother. You may be right , but I don’t think that you have proved your points beyond a doubt. Just a few things, the bible says that Babylon will not be rebuilt. Saddam was planning to rebuild it and he was brought down. The bible says that Damascus will be destroyed . As regards the Antichrist not regarding the god of his fathers. This does not mean that he could not be an apostate Christian. He may well claim to be Christian. What he says and what he does are two different things. In reality he will seek worship for himself and seek power. The king of the north title may simply mean that he is a powerful ruler whose power base lies to the north of Israel. Many other points, but you may be right and I may be wrong.Can either of us use Daniel to give ethnicity and religion of AC? I am not convinced. As regards peace treaties. You know that Tony Blair was appointed as Middle East envoy by the powers on the UN Security Council about ten years ago. He might return to that role. Blair once professed an evangelical faith.