T. D. Jakes | – Cut IT Off! – Pastor Joel Tudman

How long have you been in captivity? Our sins, past mistakes, and lies of the enemy keep us slaves locked away in a far-off hiding place. We often try to camouflage our hiding place from God, because we don’t want Him to know about the darkness that lives there. But understand this fully: Secrecy keeps […]

T. D. Jakes | – It Was Necessary – Bishop Glen A. Staples

That thing almost took you out, but it was necessary for what God wants to manifest in your life. The hardship didn’t happen because you were forgotten; it happened because you have a future. When God has a predestined plan for your life, He will preserve your way there. Yes, the path will come with […]

T. D. Jakes | – Are You Seeking His Fruit or His Gifts? – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Message: Acts of the Flesh & The Fruit of the Spirit Scripture: Galatians 5:17-25 (NIV), 2 Corinthians 7:1 (KJV), Romans 8:11-17 (KJV), & Exodus 39:24-26 (KJV) Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes Date: May 20, 2020 Subscribe to the official T.D. Jakes Ministries channel to stream our latest messages, your favorite sermons from over the years, and […]

T. D. Jakes | – Naked and Not Ashamed – Bishop T.D. Jakes

What do you do when you have nothing left? Do you weep for what you lost or praise over what you have? The stripped-down believer is the strongest: one who is unable to hide behind the camouflaged clothes of society and is instead naked and vulnerable to his heavenly Father. When all is laid bare, […]

T. D. Jakes | – The Names of God – Pastor Cora Jakes

El Roi. Jehovah Jireh. Adonai. Who is God to you? Through scripture, you’ll find over 100 names of God, and you have access to each one as they provide power, purpose, and a plan. When you need a healer, call on Jehovah Rophe. When you need a supplier, call on El Shaddai. Using the names […]

T. D. Jakes | – United MegaCare – Good360 Program PickUp

With the help of sponsors such as Good360, United MegaCare is able to provide resources to those in need within our community. In September, we had the opportunity to serve one of our nonprofit partners, Bridges Safehouse, an organization committed to transforming the lives of women and their families by serving mothers in crisis and […]

T. D. Jakes | – Get Your Own Oil! – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Do you have enough oil? Matthew 25 speaks of the parable of the 10 virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom. All 10 virgins had lanterns, yet only five brought a jar of oil. When the bridegroom came at midnight, the door closed on the lanterns that had no oil. Are you waiting until […]

T. D. Jakes | – The Ripple Effect – Pastor Keion Henderson

What are you hiding? We can be powerful, prosperous, and even have a platform, but we all have something we don’t want others to see. No matter how well you cover up your wounds or how much confidence you exude, God can’t bless who you pretend to be. When we dare to be honest about […]

T. D. Jakes | – Lost in Translation – Dr. Anita Phillips

Let us, as the body of Christ, reflect God’s image on Earth. A shared language cannot reverse the curse of Babel, but a nation sharing the same heart can. In this season of division, our unity in surrendering to God’s will can change the world. Do you have the wisdom to be OK not knowing […]

T. D. Jakes | – He Speaks My Language – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Wherever you are in life, whatever you’re dealing with, remember that God is able to speak your language! He can speak to you in any circumstance – whether you’re fallen or fruitful. The words of God, the power that emanates from His mouth, are enough to move mountains, become flesh, kill the lions in your […]

T. D. Jakes | – A Three Dimensional View – Bishop T.D. Jakes

For more information on COVID-19, go to https://www.tdjakes.org/coronavirus/ In times like these, we notice the abandonment of human kindness and decency, as we’ve forgotten who we are. As a result, God will allow pestilence to humble us and cause us to behold the greatness of His power! We are His image bearers, and as Christ […]