BRMinistries | – Principalities and Powers – Jim Logan

Website: | App: Our battle is not against flesh and blood… All christians are engaged in a Spiritual Battle. If you do not know how the enemy attacks, then you won’t be living in victory. The enemy is well organized, but also a defeated enemy by the Cross of Jesus. It is time […]

BRMinistries | – Billy Crone – The Technology of the Antichrist

Website: | Date: The “new electricity” has arrived, but it’s hardly the long-awaited utopia the world imagines. AI is in the process of taking over every aspect of society. Self-driving cars, robotic surgery, lightning-fast communication, … it all sounds so good. But the Bible tells us how these seemingly helpful benefits to society will […]

Christian Journal | – Playing Games With God

We’re trying to break through all the games we play with the Lord, with the Father, and see what way He means us to live in our own everyday lives. You remember that that’s what Ananias and Sapphira were doing. They were really playing games. They sold their land and so they had this land […]

Christian Journal | – Playing Games With God

We’re trying to break through all the games we play with the Lord, with the Father, and see what way He means us to live in our own everyday lives. You remember that that’s what Ananias and Sapphira were doing. They were really playing games. They sold their land and so they had this land […]

Christian Journal | – Playing Games With God

We’re trying to break through all the games we play with the Lord, with the Father, and see what way He means us to live in our own everyday lives. You remember that that’s what Ananias and Sapphira were doing. They were really playing games. They sold their land and so they had this land […]

BRMinistries | – Working with Demonization (Audio) – Jim Logan

Website: | App: Part One: Dr. Jim Logan is asked to share about his experiences of working with Christians who have demonic issues in their life. He starts by answering the most important question: Can a Christian be demonized? What is the difference between demonized and oppressed by the enemy? This is […]

Christian Journal | – Progressive Christianity?

Churches that change due to shifting cultural norms risk losing the truth ⬇ For a FREE download of this song, visit 👀 Check out all the other kingdom-building, Gospel victorious music at Visit their YouTube channel at 🔊 Recon Records: Victory is our Normative State Google has demonetized our videos, please consider […]