Christian Journal | – Repent Church

Until the Church returns to God, the nations can not turn to him Google is demonetizing our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on so that we can continue to do the work of the Kingdom. You can also donate via text by texting “give warrior (dollar […]

Christian Journal | – Carnal Christianity

Self identified Christians want to make the Bible more palatable for people who hate the Bible Google is demonetizing our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on so that we can continue to do the work of the Kingdom. You can also donate via text by texting […]

Christian Journal | – Repent Church

Until the Church returns to God, the nations can not turn to him Google is demonetizing our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on so that we can continue to do the work of the Kingdom. You can also donate via text by texting “give warrior (dollar […]

Christian Journal | – Repent Church

Until the Church returns to God, the nations can not turn to him Google is demonetizing our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on so that we can continue to do the work of the Kingdom. You can also donate via text by texting “give warrior (dollar […]

Christian Journal | – The Doctrine of Sin

I hear a lot of people saying if we don’t sin then Jesus died for nothing. This is basically a way of saying we have to sin. It all falls in line with the once saved always saved camp, but is it true? Do we as Christians have to sin? Google is demonetizing our videos, […]

Christian Journal | – The Doctrine of Sin

I hear a lot of people saying if we don’t sin then Jesus died for nothing. This is basically a way of saying we have to sin. It all falls in line with the once saved always saved camp, but is it true? Do we as Christians have to sin? Google is demonetizing our videos, […]