BRMinistries | – The Unity of Communion – Francis Chan

What do you believe about “church?” Have you ever thought about how you’ve reached those conclusions? Is it based on what someone else taught you? Your prior experiences? Or is it founded on what we see in the Word of God? Pastor Francis Chan challenges the Church to not settle for an unsatisfying imitation of […] | – (Clip) American Evangelicalism has Lost the Sacredness of Communion by Francis Chan

For full video visit the Crazy Love channel: ★★ Recommend Book: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer Website: Twitter: SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of […]

BRMinistries | – The Intimacy of Communion – Francis Chan

There is a deep intimacy that takes place when we come together, in unity, at the Lord’s table. God’s desire is to commune with His Body, not just a collection of individuals. When we put aside our differences and join together to receive the Body and the Blood, something very special occurs. #FrancisChan #Communion #IntimacywithGod […]

BRMinistries | – The Centrality of Communion – Francis Chan

Website: For the early church, communion was the main reason to gather. Pastor Francis Chan speaks on the importance and the power that takes place when we partake in the Lord’s supper. Our hope and prayer is that communion would no longer be an afterthought in the church, but the presence of Christ and […]

David Platt | – Approaching Bible Study

Where do you start with Bible study when discipling someone? How do you approach studying the Bible? Leader video excerpt from the Multiply material – Part III, Section 1: Why Study The Bible? | – The Main Focus of the Lord's Supper by Francis Chan

★★ Recommend Book: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer Website: Twitter: SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly […] | – The Main Focus of the Lord's Supper by Francis Chan

★★ Recommend Book: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer Website: Twitter: SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly […]