Christian Journal | – Ravenous Wolves

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15 Google has demonetized our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on for the latest news as it relates to Christians and the world You can also get a […]

Christian Journal | – Manipulation Techniques Used by Predators

Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC joins us once again to discuss how Predators use manipulation to control If you’d like to express your concern over a police officer infringing on the rights of Christians you can call Mayor Junie White at (864) 596-2019 or email him at Google has demonetized our videos, please consider […]

Christian Journal | – Was Jesus a Friend of Sinners?

Whenever Biblical Christians stand up for truth against evil we often hear how Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors, etc. but is this claim true? Did Jesus really hang out with sinners? Google is demonetizing our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on so that we […]