BRMinistries | – (Clip) Eternity Lasts Forever by Basilea Schlink

Website: Suffering and death in this present age is worth it when you think of eternity with Jesus in heaven! We might experience brief suffering, but don’t loose heart for their is joy in our suffering when you think of Jesus! #Suffering #Covid-19 #BasileaSchlink #Eternity

BRMinistries | – 2. Suffering, Second Coming & God’s Glory – Ted Hough

Website: | App: The apostle Paul did not know what was happening to the church in Thessalonica (modern day Greece). Much suffering and persecution was going on, which caused the church to grow. To encourage the believers Paul explains the second coming and the glory we will receive when Jesus returns. Hold fast […]

BRMinistries | – 5. Hebrews 13 – Content with Money (Audio) – Ted Hough

Website: | App: The love of money can lead to our security in life being built on our money and resources instead of God. This is easily seen when money is shaken do you lose your contentment? How can we as Christians be content in what God has given us? #TedHough #Contentment #LoveofMoney

BRMinistries | – Billy Crone – The Seals of Revelation

Date: May 11th, 2021 The Bible promises a special blessing for people who read and understand the prophecies of Revelation. For people who don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus, reading the book of Revelation can be a terrifying experience. Asteroids, 100-pound hailstones crashing to Earth, mountains and islands collapsing into the sea, rivers turning […]

BRMinistries | – Francis Chan at SEEK21

For more Francis Chan sermons subscribe to the Crazy Love channel here: The gospel has changed my entire life. I came from such a troubled background. At the age of 12, I was faced with the realization of death and life. The gospel changes your life. #FrancisChan #FrancisChan2021 #TheGospel