R.C. Sproul | – Can You Trust Your Senses?

How much can we trust our physical senses of sight, hearing, or touch? In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul discusses Augustine’s teaching on the role and limits of sense perception in our pursuit of the truth. Transcript: https://ligm.in/34cANK5 Message: https://ligm.in/3vea6AE

R.C. Sproul | – Confident in the Word of God: January 14, 2021

In December, our president and CEO, Chris Larson, hosted a panel discussion with three of Ligonier’s Teaching Fellows. Watch as Drs. Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, and Stephen Nichols discuss the power of God’s Word and Spirit to strengthen His church in challenging times and to awaken people around the world to His holiness. Who are […]

R.C. Sproul | – Confident in the Word of God: January 14, 2021

In December, our president and CEO, Chris Larson, hosted a panel discussion with three of Ligonier’s Teaching Fellows. Watch as Drs. Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, and Stephen Nichols discuss the power of God’s Word and Spirit to strengthen His church in challenging times and to awaken people around the world to His holiness. Who are […]