BRMinistries | – Be Filled With the Spirit – Chris Hodges

Date: Aug. 15th, 2021 Website: God never designed us to live ordinary lives. In order to live out our purpose we must be filled by the Holy Spirit. The Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and lived a lives doing miracles and teaching. Are you surrendering to the Holy Spirit in your life? […]

Derek Prince | – Seven Steps To Revival, Pt 2 – What It Means To Love God – Derek Prince

The Lord allows His people to reach a place of utter helplessness and total reliance. But, when our prayer is based on this realization, the Lord’s compassion prevails. Bible Teaching Resources: ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= I. The Love God Looks For (John 14:21–24) A. Motivation for obedience B. Expressed by obedience Obedience is […]