Christian Journal | – Peter Was Not A Pope

The Catholic Church claims that the Apostle Peter was the very first Pope and every Pope is a successor to Peter. There are all sorts of arguments that can be brought up against the whole list of Catholic doctrines, but if this fundamental truth has no foundation, then the whole building crumbles. Google is demonetizing […]

Christian Journal | – Houston Texas Preaching Follow Up

On Saturday March 30, 2019 the WFC Street preachers went to Houston Texas to rebuke the Mayor Sylvester Mayor for advocating for the sexualization of children. We also went to rebuke the Freed-Montrose Public Library for their allowing a convicted registered pedophile to have children sit on his lap so he can indoctrinate them with […]

Christian Journal | – Peter Was Not A Pope

The Catholic Church claims that the Apostle Peter was the very first Pope and every Pope is a successor to Peter. There are all sorts of arguments that can be brought up against the whole list of Catholic doctrines, but if this fundamental truth has no foundation, then the whole building crumbles. Google is demonetizing […]

Christian Journal | – You Don't Have To Sin!

Does the bible say that we can stop sinning or does the bible say we will continue to sin, even after salvation? I am willing to bet that if you are watching this video you would agree that Jesus meant exactly what he said . Most of us agree and say yes and then when […]

Christian Journal | – Live

Live video after hiatus. For prayer text us at (973)-512-2326 Sign up today for the most active Christian Facebook alternative Visit us on youtube Visit our facebook page To help support the ministry visit our website

Christian Journal | – Houston Texas Preaching Follow Up

On Saturday March 30, 2019 the WFC Street preachers went to Houston Texas to rebuke the Mayor Sylvester Mayor for advocating for the sexualization of children. We also went to rebuke the Freed-Montrose Public Library for their allowing a convicted registered pedophile to have children sit on his lap so he can indoctrinate them with […]