T. D. Jakes | – A Three Dimensional View – Bishop T.D. Jakes

For more information on COVID-19, go to https://www.tdjakes.org/coronavirus/ In times like these, we notice the abandonment of human kindness and decency, as we’ve forgotten who we are. As a result, God will allow pestilence to humble us and cause us to behold the greatness of His power! We are His image bearers, and as Christ […]

T. D. Jakes | – In Flickering Light – Bishop T.D. Jakes [March 8, 2020]

Before God illuminated the earth, He predestined a unique path for each of us. His divine guidance throughout that journey may transition us in and out of life’s challenging seasons, but each deviation we experience is for our betterment. Although we lack the vision that God possesses, and we often doubt God’s presence during life’s […]

T. D. Jakes | – Unlocking Your Inheritance – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Do you know who you are? As you read the Word, it reveals your true identity as a child of God. Upon your adoption into the Royal Family, you received an inheritance that exceeds the value of any material goods. Some people are willed homes, cars, and clothes; as an heir of salvation, you inherit […]

T. D. Jakes | – The God Who Changes Hearts – Pastor Dr. Cynthia James

As you face adversity, do you believe you still have a testimony? When you go through hardships, do you trust God will turn it around? In the places where it seems impossible, God promises that no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). It doesn’t matter what comes your way; when you trust that […]

T. D. Jakes | – You Can Do It! – Bishop T.D. Jakes

As you can imagine, 2020 has touched everyone on the spectrum, no discrimination attached. Just like the disciples on the boat with Jesus, we all have different personalities, backgrounds, and struggles. And yet, we’re still riding the same rocky waters together. But God’s will is not that we jump ship when times get hard; it’s […]