Robert Barron | – The Threat of Totalitarianism

Friends, I fear that as our culture lurches away from the authority of the good and falls toward the supremacy of the individual will, we put ourselves in a rather parlous condition. The door opens for totalitarianism when we no longer make distinctions between truth and falsity. ———VIDEO LINKS——— Bishop Barron on Conscience and Morality: […]

Robert Barron | – Why I Hate John Lennon’s “Imagine”

Friends, the Olympics opening ceremonies in Tokyo featured one of the worst pop songs of all time: John Lennon’s “Imagine.” The lyrics—imagining there is no heaven, no religion, and no God—are an invitation into a very dangerous space. Read my article in the New York Post: ———VIDEO LINKS——— Bishop Barron on Resisting Aggressive Secularism: […]