Ask The Pastor | – Jehovahs Witnesses

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian or something else altogether?

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Ask The Pastor "Ask the Pastor" from Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kerrville, TX. Send any questions about the Bible or the Christian Faith to and Pastor will answer your questions as time permits.

Comment (9)

  1. Good video. I've known JWs and one of the things that makes talking with them difficult is that they are "pre-programmed" with answers for questions, so a very thorough knowledge of Scripture and biblical doctrines is absolutely necessary.

  2. What do you think of the idea that Michael the Archangel is Jesus (in either his pre-incarnation or post-resurrection state), without denying his divinity? I think this is the view of the 7th Day Adventists, and it seems it was held by some people during the reformation.

  3. Pastor, hope all is well with you today, i really liked the the video, but, I don't want to be critical of you, but I'm trying to get the meaning of criticizing a nothers ways of teaching in its own beliefs, and if something is not phase correctly in a bible scriptures, please understand I'm not criticizing you, but really the truth is that the bible scriptures have been translated by men, and at the time of the translations there was very little/ limited information about serious studying into the scriptures, they did their best with what they had to their knowledge, but they could have era/made mistakes on some in particular words, and they were just going according to their own understandings of the bible scriptures, mankind is known for making mistakes in all of history, I just feel if we criticize our own beliefs and teachings, but first we really want to start with our own faith and beliefs ourselves, all religion's beliefs are really incorrect and they all added to their beliefs, instead of sticking to the basics, but thanks for sharing this video with me, very interesting, I think Jesus christ is the truth and the way, I don't think he is The almighty God, he said he is the son of the almighty God, he said God sent him, he said he did not come on his own initiatives, but on the one who sent him, he said let your will take place, not that of my own, he said my fathers words are truth, he said I bear witness and God bears witness, that the 2 witnesses concerning the 2 witnesses law,

  4. Hello Paster it is so good to SE a Lutheran response to GB and JWs, I came across a fantastic
    Channel Jason Zeldas videos , he is a Christian having resourced GB and there believe system for many years , you will guaranteed learn a lot I if you go to his videos. He also have a serie called Trailblazer , former JW that woke up, very uplifting. I am a Lutheran myselve and very interested in helping JW come to Christ Love from Canada Erik Tonnisen
    Sorry for the misspelling , I am a Dane and English is my 2. Language