Ask The Pastor | – What About Mormonism?

How does the Mormon Church, or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, stack up against the Scriptures and the historic Christian faith? That’s what’s on tap in this episode of ATP. Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and send your questions to atpholycross@[support us]. If you like ATP and want to help more folks come into contact with it, check out the ATP tshirt at:
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Ask The Pastor "Ask the Pastor" from Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kerrville, TX. Send any questions about the Bible or the Christian Faith to and Pastor will answer your questions as time permits.

Comment (2)

  1. I've heard Mormons actually claim that there is an infinite number of gods. It is the most polytheistic religion ever. I don't know of any pagan religion that believes in an infinite number of gods. They say the the Lord was actually once a man that was exhalted to godhood and that this cycle keeps going backwards and backwards until you end up with an infinite number of gods in an infinite number of universes and planets for them to rule.