Billy Graham | – John 3:16 | Billy Graham Classic

One Bible verse lays out the entire Gospel message. Watch how Billy Graham related John 3:16 to modern-day issues in this 1991 message from New York City. Watch more #MondayNightClassics weekly at 8 p.m. Eastern.

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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Much more than Crusades, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is reaching more people than ever before through innovative ministries and global outreach projects.

Comment (41)

  1. The Bible 'book' = a compendium of fire side tales and fables,

    recounted orally ,

    for generations by goat herders and primitive tribes from the stone age,

    until writing was invented,

    and then, many different sources, transliterations, and versions were copied and written down..

    ''The Bible was created during a time where stories were verbally passed down over hundreds of years.

    Stories constantly morphed and changed over time, and the Bible is a collection of these.

    This is why it has the nearly identical flood story from Gilgamesh, and why Jesus has the same characteristics as Dionysus, Osiris, Horus, Mithra, and Krishna.

    The contradictions and immorality in the stories are not evidence that God is flawed or evil,

    but rather that humans invented him, just like the thousands of other gods that we used to, but no longer believe in.''

    ..and to answer the questions of the many fears and mysteries of our universe, like 'thunder' and earthquakes, since there was no science yet.

    That was the old Testament…

    The new Testes is also hearsay since these letters, 'gospels' and stories were written by the loyal faithful, the camp followers,

    not by objective historians at that particular time,

    or by any contemporary writers,

    and these tales were written many years after the supposed events of this mythical Jesus.

    There is essentially very little evidence of a Jesus in real documented history.

    A couple of spurious Roman reports, and all the rest anecdotal.

    …but more importantly …a jesus' existence is not an issue!

    A jesus is irrelevant without a god !

    Then, many of these stories, but not all, as many were not chosen,

    [ There are more than just four Gospels but only these four were agreed on ],

    were compiled for one self-absorbed converted Roman Emperor in his Nicean Council,

    for his expressed purpose of conquest


    control of the people of Europe for his Holy Roman Empire.

    He recognised that this was the perfect religion/mythology for the future domination of the populaces.

    Half of the stories were ignored by the Nicean Bishops and none have been proven to be based on fact.

    This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence.

    It is not proof for any god(s) ….(or of any jesus as a god…)

    The fables are intertwined within historical places and people…

    eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed,

    whereas Moses and the Exodus did not happen…!

    It is a historical novel

    …. ie A book of fiction….


    The Bible book is proof of a book … ONLY (certainly not evidence of any gods…)

    PROVE a god!

  2. Believers don't even know the answer to this question in reference to John 3:16… Who is the "him" in the line "whosoever believeth in him"? If you think it is Jesus you are wrong!

    John 3:16 is misunderstood by believers.

    For God (one entity) so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son (Jesus another entity), that whosoever believeth in him
    (GOD) should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    This is proven in
    John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and BELIEVETH ON HIM (God) THAT SENT ME (Jesus), hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

    Funny how no-one gets it right… but they still claim to follow Jesus when they haven't read the Bible properly from cover to cover. The Bible is apparently so dear to them, and absolutely God's inerrant word and yet they haven't bothered to read it properly… AMAZING!

    If you believe Jesus is God why did Jesus say Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

    If you haven't read the Bible from cover to cover (allegedly God's inerrant word…lol ) going back to the original Hebrew and Greek are you pretending to love God? Belief is no substitute for intellect and knowledge…

  3. God will never forget America, because America is a nation of Christianity. God will always admire America, because America is free and equal to all. God will always bring and ensure America’s safety, prosperity and unity together, because America’s kindness nature to all. Billy Graham will be always remembered and cherished, because he loved and cherished as Well as brought all to love God and our country America’s greatness by humans’ nature which created by God altogether until his last day to see God. RIP evangelist Billy Graham. His spirit will always live in our hearts.

  4. The Weeping Willow Tree it Is A Widow Maker AND Can Kill Without Mercy,
    Or Was It Grace




  5. How To Go To Heaven

    1.  Realize you are a sinner   Romans 3:23    exp. lying,cussing,gossip, sex outside marriage
    2. Punishment for sin-Lake of Fire   Revelation 20:15
    3. Salvation is not in good deeds,baptism.or religion  Titus 3:5
    4. Salvation is 100% in Jesus Christ, The True God   John 14:6  Jesus Christ loves you!
    5. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all your sins,shed His blood,
        buried,and came alive.  Romans 10:9
    6. Trust in Christ and His shed blood on the cross  only for salvation.
    7. Right now pray,"Dear Lord Jesus Christ,please be my Savior and Lord,
        I trust in your blood at the cross,you were buried,and came alive,please
        come into heart and save me,I am a sinner,Amen." Romans 10:13
    8. If you prayed and accepted Christ, heaven is your home.  John 3:16
    9. Go to a Baptist church next Sunday
    10. Read the Old King James Bible everyday
    11. Every day pray to the Lord

    LightHouse Ministries

  6. Milford give his life to Jesus in N.Y. on his lasts cruceide. That Billy ..train the children in his way so there will return to him .and i now that i claim my house and all will be save. Do yours and your family are so. Save always save i dont think so. Dreams.

  7. But have to be true Jesus they departed from abrahan teaching and mohamed came abouth so islams is not the way becauful to give asuranse whith out Jesus is the only way only une.way to the father elohim is the way eny other will not make it.

  8. I'm not disputing but when I'm asked what Gods address is or how can I prove God I start pointing at the grass the sun the birds trees food we eat the water the fish the sea and stars. Then I tell them God lives in here to in me . Love your channel always. Also I would like to here Mr. Graham preach on the sermon of the mount. And I know Mr. Grayoms Preaching has shown me the old path where few men pass . I thank God Allmighty for my cheep little phone so I can listen to this man . I have wondered so far away from the cross from my Saviour. Good job great car excellent pairents grandparents great uncles and aunts brothers sisters all of it the best in life . I remember the day I was baptized. When the Preacher put me under the water I kept my eyes open because I wanted all of me to be free in Christ. It is a must do now thing. So whomever is reading this please remember me in your prayers please . God bless all of you .