Billy Graham | – The Death and Resurrection of Christ | Billy Graham Classic

On a rainy night in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Billy Graham talked about another dark day: the day Jesus died on the cross. Hear him recount that event—and how it’s still relevant to us today.

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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Much more than Crusades, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is reaching more people than ever before through innovative ministries and global outreach projects.

Comment (31)

  1. Please join me in prayer for all brothers and sisters in Christ praying for the lost to get saved praying for all those in need of prayers in USA and all around the world God bless you all

  2. If you are one of those who has been taught that scripture cannot be changed, you better investigate the following before you stand at the gate hearing Jesus explaining this…

     What Jesus and His Father have spoken will never change, their promises are still good and our prayers are still answered! Hallelujah!!! But as impossible as this sounds, like so many of the true stories in scripture, our bibles have all been supernaturally changed by Satan in the last several years, right in our homes, in the fulfillment of prophecy. It's being done to prepare for the reign of the antichrist. All languages and all translations have been changed with black magic along with concordances, encyclopedias, dictionaries, history books, the ancient  Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Aramaic manuscripts. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls have been changed!    

      I'm 68, was saved when I was 10, and have read only the exact same copy of the King James bible my church gave me in 1961. (This does not mean I was a King James onlyist)  I had memorized many scriptures from it through the years. Then in 2014 I started seeing changes in it that I couldn't explain. I have an exceptional memory, I remember my 3rd birthday party and can draw a picture of my baby stroller. I had never owned a computer and had never heard of the Mandela Effect back then. But after finding out about this phenomenon a year and a half later, I finally found out why I had been noticing all of the oddities in my bible. I then started diligently studying what should actually be called the Daniel 7:25 effect. That's where God said He would give the antichrist the power to do this. We're seeing the fulfillment of end time prophecies happening SUPERNATURALLY! This is some of the "lying signs and wonders" in 2nd Thessalonians chapter two!

       God said in the end of days, (NOW!) that He would send us a famine for hearing His words in Amos 8:11 and that He would give the antichrist the ability to do this in Daniel 7:25. In Daniel 12:4 He told him to seal his book until the end days. He told John not to seal his book because the end time is at hand in Revelation 22:10. One of the definitions of seal in Strongs concordance is “to protect from Satan”. He also told us to “write His words in our hearts”, which meant memorize, if not word for word at least the essence of what was written, because He knew this was going to happen. He also warned us in second Thessalonians chapter two, that He would send a strong delusion to all that didn’t receive the love of the truth. I'm convinced that this is at least part of it! (not seeing the changes) The only scary thing about this is that hardly any Christians have noticed any of the thousands of changes yet!                                                      

      God commanded us to "prove all things", and people better obey Him, especially on this subject. I urge you to research this. There are many brothers and sisters making videos about the changes with more proof of what was originally written and I have lots more about this in my playlist which you can find by clicking on the v under the six playlists on my home page.

      I've continued to study scripture by learning what Satan has been changing. If we don't have internet some day, or YT censors all truth, we'll only have hard copies of the bible that Satan wants us to read. At that point, Amos 8:12 will be fulfilled where it says we won't be able to find God's words anymore!

    May God bless all who read this with eyes to see this incredible faith strengthener, and how close we are to our Saviour's return!!!!

  3. For about 2 months now I have been watching Billy Graham sermons every day. It's exactly what I needed. I'm not worried anymore. I've been able by God's grace to get rid of sins that had been nagging me for decades. I feel free for the first time in a very long time. The Gospel is the answer to all my problems. God bless Billy Graham.

  4. Before I knew Jesus, my behaviour was very bad. I kept fighting with everybody. I thought that it was necessary to take revenge. But Jesus taught me to love and forgive others and he changed my life. I lived like an animal but Jesus made me human. He turned my heart of stone into the heart of flesh. I am very thankful for all that Jesus has done for me.

  5. I pray that the Billy Graham classics could be played on South African TV. We desperately need the teachings of this Man of God nationally. He is my inspiration daily and has brought me to my knees constantly. We are in Dia need of this angel of our Lord and his teachings. God bless u all and I pray diligently for the world in this dreadful time of turmoil. Turn to God… Our hope for everlasting life. Amen