DappyTKeys Worship | – Alone With God: 3 Hour Prayer Time Music | Christian Meditation Music | Peaceful Relaxation Music

3 Hour Piano Instrumental Worship Music for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Study, Rest, Reflection & Relaxation.

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Piano Instrumental Worship Music for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Study, Rest, Reflection & Relaxation. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen.

Psalm 27:4 “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”

DappyTKeys Piano Worship is founded on the scripture from the book of 1 Samuel 16:23 (“…David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him”). My music is Anointed, Inspirational and God inspired; it’s an overflow of time spent in God’s presence and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I pray you will be drawn to the love of God in Christ Jesus, you will experience a peace that pass all understanding, you will experience healing from your sickness, and May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen. Amen!
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About The Author

DappyTKeys Piano Worship DappyTKeys Piano Worship. Welcome to DappyTKeys Piano Worship YouTube Channel! Here you will find Piano Instrumental Music that will help you to Relax, Pray & Meditate. Please remember to Subscribe to this channel and Share our content with others. DappyTKeys Mobile App is available on iOS and Android. Download here: https://get.theapp.co/sdz7 To Stream or Download my music, just search for "DappyTKeys" on all digital platforms, or use the links below. For bookings, to use my music and all other inquiries please email dappytkeys@gmail.com. Thanks, Tim Oladeru (DappyTKeys)

Comment (43)


  2. You know that feeling of "you don't know what you have till it's gone"? That's how I feel now. I want to find my way back. I can't believe I would give up the privilege to serve and to be encompassed by Gods promise, love, and refuge. God make my soul well again. Amen

  3. I listen to your videos to sleep, while i pray, and studying for school and the word. Its extremely relaxing and peaceful to me. May the Lord continue to bless you. Thank You for sharing your gift with us!!

  4. The scriptures are a blessing from God. It contains information that all human beings can use if they trust God! But because we are the last generation and the world resembles the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah ( IE., Everywhere there is evil continuously) and few men are able to heed the words written that show the love of God for us. May God add a blessing to all who read and use these videos!

  5. I've been struggling with praying for extended periods of time. I never add music to my prayers. I decided to search for some worship music and stumbled across your page. It is changing my life to the point where I'm going beyond the amount of time I set aside to pray. Thank you so much for this anointed music. May God bless you in everything you put your hand forth to do.

  6. He word are healing for the broken hearted like me I'm so greatful a friend sent it to me I was going through a hard time today I lost #7 people in 2020 one was my mother who was my best friend and confident she was my heart beside my son. God know how much I miss her but his word or like medicine for the soul I know he has her he let her tell me she was ok he pulled back the vale so I can could hear here . I know he's real. . God mercy endure forever and he's showing it to me know. I hope this bless someone else besides me . So that we all may see Jesus Christ one-day and go back home with him.

  7. Only small complaint I would have become I'm trying to sleep is reading the scriptures it too long in between the next one pops up I spaced very far apart from the next one it gives u plenty time to read it mediate on it and everything. But yeah I guess you should not expect to go to sleep.

  8. I was struggling with sadness when I put this on … and the first verse on display was "Why are you cast down, O my soul? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him." My oh my! My strength and hope were renewed with just this introductory verse! Thank you for for your gifts and talents and dedication.

  9. My young friends, youngsters and teenagers, I would like to share a little bit of the word of God. Jeremiah 29:12 "And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart".
    This is something that the Lord promises, There is a reward in it. This is what Matthew 6:33 talks about, " But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you". Last year by the Help of the Holy Spirit in 2020, I find that The Kingdom of God and his righteousness is = Seeking the Lord. How do we seek the Lord? 1) Through Prayer, 2) Giving our time (Quiet time, maybe, reading the bible) 3) Read the Bible (This is his voice) 4) Go to fellowship (Churches, Worship place, Meetings, etc. )
    I think I am so lucky and happy to understand this. If you seek the Lord with all your heart, you are going to find him right where you are. He is so near and ready to guide you through. If you kneel down and make prayer a daily habit, 2021 will be a successful year. The more you seek Him, the more you will get to know the Holy Spirit. You will gain a better understanding of the Bible and get wiser I promise you from my own experience. This is a win-win method. It benefits me in all aspects of life. You will do better in your job, college, wherever you are, you will be more successful because he will be your best guiding counselor. There is also a reward in Heaven, promises of God for you to sow while you are here. Seek the Lord while you can. Jesus Loves You very very much. May the Lord Bless you.

  10. This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Look to the hills from whence our help comes from. Continue to look to our Yeshua, our JESUS who is CHRIST, OMNIPOTENT our Creator. Love the LORD your GOD with all your Heart, Soul, Mind, and your strength. If GOD be for us who can be against us. For no weapon formed against God's people will prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against His people God will condemn for we are the heritage of the servants of the Lord and our righteousness is of Him, Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me, bless his Holy name. Shalom