DappyTKeys Worship | – Time With HOLY SPIRIT: 3 Hour Prayer Time Music | Christian Meditation Music | Time Alone With God

3 Hour Piano Instrumental Worship Music for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Study, Rest, Reflection & Relaxation.

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Piano Instrumental Worship Music for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Study, Rest, Reflection & Relaxation. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen.

Psalm 27:4 “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”

DappyTKeys Piano Worship is founded on the scripture from the book of 1 Samuel 16:23 (“…David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him”). My music is Anointed, Inspirational and God inspired; it’s an overflow of time spent in God’s presence and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I pray you will be drawn to the love of God in Christ Jesus, you will experience a peace that pass all understanding, you will experience healing from your sickness, and May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen. Amen!
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About The Author

DappyTKeys Piano Worship DappyTKeys Piano Worship. Welcome to DappyTKeys Piano Worship YouTube Channel! Here you will find Piano Instrumental Music that will help you to Relax, Pray & Meditate. Please remember to Subscribe to this channel and Share our content with others. DappyTKeys Mobile App is available on iOS and Android. Download here: https://get.theapp.co/sdz7 To Stream or Download my music, just search for "DappyTKeys" on all digital platforms, or use the links below. For bookings, to use my music and all other inquiries please email dappytkeys@gmail.com. Thanks, Tim Oladeru (DappyTKeys)

Comment (37)

  1. The LORD led me to this video and through it delivered me* of an unclean spirit that was tormenting me in the middle of the night. The evil spirit came out with a loud voice as it is written in the Scriptures.

    Continue in the purity of the Lord. Let us be holy as He is holy. Let us escape the corruption of this world through Him. James 1:27.

  2. Thanks for your music and how relaxing it is and just how I can pray to this music and how it takes the stress off of 2020 and what’s going on in the world today this music helps me remember how I need Jesus and how I’m just a child in this world and not a adult yet

  3. I really need prayer guys. I’m having such a hard time not being able to hear God, it’s been such a long time that I can’t even discern it anymore. It’s crushing my soul not being able to draw close because I can’t hear or feel him. I just need a sign or something, I need to hear His voice so badly. Please pray for whatever He’s telling you to.

  4. Sometimes I go to God and say, "God, if Thou dost never answer another prayer while I live on this earth, I will still worship Thee as long as I live and in the ages to come for what Thou hast done already. God’s already put me so far in debt that if I were to live one million millenniums I couldn’t pay Him for what He’s done for me