J.D. Farag | – Responding to the Threat – Isaiah 36-37

Join us at 7:30pm HST Thursday, August 5th, for our Live Stream. Pastor JD talks about our response to the threats that come against us in a verse-by-verse study through Isaiah 36-37, then celebrates communion at the conclusion.

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About The Author

J.D. Farag J.D. Farag, Bible Prophecy - End Times - Pastor - Speaker Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Bible Prophecy speaker and Pastor, J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe in Hawaii. With over 700 Million minutes watched, this is one of YouTube's most popular channels related to End Times news and global events. Born in Beirut Lebanon to an Egyptian father and Palestinian mother, Pastor J.D. Farag of Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii loves Israel and offers a unique Arab perspective concerning the Middle East in Bible prophecy. J.D. and his wife were married in 1988 and currently reside on the Windward side of Oahu with their three children. ------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA DISCLAIMER: • Any comments containing profanity will be deleted. • By posting comments on this channel, you give Pastor J.D. Farag the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise use your submission for any purpose in any form and on any media.

Comment (39)

  1. God is so Good! Pastor Farag obedient to God, lead by the Holy Spirit, to be such an encouragement to those who would have ears to hear, during these trying times. Have Faith people Have Faith, God loves you. Give the Lord Jesus Christ praise and thanks! He will see you through! Thank you!

  2. oh hallelujah, all the glory belongs to him, it's our heart's desire that god will be glorified in this generation, that's our only desire, because we love god and he alone is worthy, my cup runs over, god bless you pastor farag for this word:) i love it!

  3. Thank you pastor J. D. Just at a time when I needed this message. Going for annual check up this month and not looking forward hard to it. dont know. Pray for me . Thanks. We love you pastor J.D. and your wonderful messages.I just love your Hawaiian shirt . I love all the beautiful flowers and rainforest in Hawaii. Breath taking scenery. Blessings


    Are you spiritually poor, humble and broken
    A home in heaven is yours – God has spoken
    Do you mourn over all the sin that you see
    God has declared that your comfort will be

    Are you quiet & gentle, a mild mannered one
    The earth will be yours – all under the Son
    Do you hunger & thirst to be righteous & true
    You will be filled is what God says to you

    Are you merciful, kind w/ compassion for all
    Heaven's bountiful mercy to you is God's call
    Do you see God's glory pure in your heart
    You'll see God on high and never will part

    Do you bring peace wherever you go
    You are God's child & in Him you will grow
    Are you persecuted because you believe
    The kingdom of heaven you will achieve

    Do people, in anger, speak evil about you
    Your rewards in heaven are great, it's so true
    God is so great, He wants all to know
    Supreme blessings to us, in heaven, will flow

  5. Jude verse 9: The mighty Archangel Michael said these 4 words to satan “The Lord rebuke you!” Michael did not have to go through all sorts of fancy words or sayings …. Simply: “The Lord rebuke you!” and that was that! Amen: we certainly DO have God’s Holy Spirit who dwells within us believers in Christ Jesus and He IS much MUCH greater than he (the devil) who is in the world! (1 John 4:4)

  6. I got my Religious Held Accommodation letter APPROVED! I’m in SILICON VALLEY in the BELLY OF THE BEAST! Ensure you stand on JESUS!!! Share the Gospel! We win on every level in Jesus name!

  7. that is so true , the devil does put in some truth and then some lies, hoping no one will not catch him doing that, i had that happen to me the other week, someone tried to tell some truth and mostly lies, i am so glad I have read the bible to know what he said to me. I read the scriptures they sent me, and they are taking scripture out of content

  8. Not praying to Abba – Father is the same as NOT ever speaking to the person who you love so much – who you are married to – the “love of your life” – Your best friend – Why would we not enjoy praying – having “conversations” with our Creator – our God?
    What a privilege! What a delight!

  9. By Sept 30th all California healthcare workers in all types of facilities are required to roll up their sleeves or lose their job. But I’m required to obey my Lord in the way he is counseling me for his glory, not the state. God is my provider and protector, no matter what. Psalm 139:5 “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.”

  10. OH YES pray out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It works! Satan runs. Praise God and thank you Jesus for reminding us of this biblical history to give us hope today. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow Lord.

  11. This is for one of my favorite pastors – you, Pastor Farag, who suffers from worry and anxiety. True story:

    Ok. 8 years ago I was oregnant with my first child. I was 34, almost 35. I’d heard all sorts of things about birth, both good and bad, and very secretly, every day since finding out about our bundle of joy, I secretly prayed about the one common theme I had heard: the pain of childbirth. I didn’t think I’d be strong enough to take it.

    I was 4 months pregnant. One day, while doing laundry, of all things, I prayed as usual, alone in our apartment, while doing chores on a weekend while my husband was a few blocks away at work. It was afternoon. Day time. Sunny. California. I switched a load, in the laundry closet behind the kitchen. I prayed there and then. While switching laundry. It was short – about my fear of the pain and praying my pregnancy would continue to be healthy.

    I put the clean clothes from the dryer into the basket and lifted it to walk it to our bedroom. We’d been converting our home office / guest room to the nursery, but this laundry was just ours, so I to our room I went.

    But as I crossed the threshold with my load, a voice stopped me. An audible , loud, Lear, authoritative, but non-threatening voice that reverberated from the empty room.

    No one was with me then. Even our neighbors were quiet. I’d have assumed it was a prank by my husband or that I was having hormones and completely loosing it, but it spoke quickly and clearly, saying:

    “There will be complications with your birth, but have no fear. Arrangements have been made.” Instantly, I had the idea that it could be God, answering my anxious prayers with the power of His peace. Because even though I should have been terrified, I felt instantly calm and understanding, and I got the idea at the word “arrangements” that He had put people or angles or entities in place, for me, on our behalf.

    That was that.

    I couldn’t tell anyone. It was too embarrassing. I vowed to myself if I ever heard it again, I’d check myself into a mental health facility.

    But I stopped praying about that after this. Just didn’t feel the need. It was settled, and somewhere deeper in my soul than I can describe, I understood this and knew that without the presumable questions normal people would make. They were unnecessary. I didn’t think on it again – until…

    The pregnancy was healthy, but the birth… was something the doctors and nurses couldn’t explain and seemed troubled to manage. It was complicated indeed. Not in the normal ways, either.

    My father is actually an OBGYN and a friend of his was my doctor, so he was doing rounds on my maternity floor.

    He was terrified. I could tell when he’d pop on for encouraging visits. I had to have surgery and the nurses said he followed all the rules and sat in the waiting room with my mom and didn’t monitor the screens of the OR even though he had access. That’s how scared he was. He couldn’t watch, even though I know he has full faith in this amazing doctor because I’d seen him invite her on medical missions and seen her work first hand. She is top notch because she takes care of her whole surgical teams, not just the patients. She cares. I chose her because she’d be somebody the whole team would respond well to.

    Plus, I had God’s assurance. It didn’t occur to me to be fearful even though I could see the anxiety for a couple weeks before the birth on my husband’s face, the doctor’s the nurses’… I just felt calm and quiet. I remembered the Promise. It reverberated again, silently in my heart.

    The surgery went perfectly and fast. Everything turned out well in general. My daughter turn 8 this month, and I’ve had 2 more sons with the same faith in the same God who saw me through.

    I only told my husband and my mom about my visitation. I had not seen Him. But each of them marveled afterward of how I could have kept so calm. I’m also prone to anxiety a bit. They both wondered why I could just chill ax the whole time everybody else was freaking out. They’re the only ones I told until later, u til we began bringing my daughter to our home church. She is proof. We are.

    His promises are real. Prayer works. I’m certain I was prayed for.

    He seemed maybe annoyed He’d had to address this but did so in such a way as to calm all my anxious prayers.

    He is real. His message throughout the Bible is most often: Have No Fear. Things may seem or even be scary. Don’t be afraid. He is here. He is near. He is with is. He has made arrangements for you. For you, Pastor. You are His beloved.

  12. Wow. Just wow. A word I needed today. Brought me to my knees in tears and prayer. I’m oddly (maybe not so oddly) at peace with being asked to leave my position at a prominent health care system since I will not accept the “thing”. I pray that this situation brings glory to Him so that my husband and sons can see Him and recognize His power and turn to Him only for salvation.

  13. we boast in our god all day, we love boasting in our god, cause he is our father, and he takes care of us, this world needs to know there is a god in heaven, we fear no evil, cause our god always win, the battle belongs to him, oh how good it is to love our god hallelujah:)

  14. Thank you for this Bible study. You present it so amazing the Bible really comes alive for me. Thank you Lord this anchors us in You. We Praise and Worship You alone. There is none like You. My Lord God and Saviour .amen

  15. Awesome teaching! Yes we read it before but the inflections add a realness to it that one feels like he’s right there over hearing the whole conversation going on. Oh to stand in the presence of God is going to be such joy! As my head spins from side to side meeting all the prophets and hugging them! Alleluia!!!

  16. Say this prayer against Anxiety: Heavenly Father, Lately I’ve been so worried about things that are out of my control. Help me to trust that you are working every little detail of my life out and that I have nothing to fear or worry about.

    In Jesus’s name, Amen.

  17. Dear brother/sister in christ please pray for me. I have finished my chemotherapy for cancer. While undergoing treatment my two daughters moved out suddenly, my mother died, and my wife almost died due to covid. I suffer from anxiety attacks and depression. I suddenly have become an empty nester. I have been crying every day since February 27th the day my eldest daughter left. I am anxious about my situation and feel like i'm not needed anymore. Feel like a senior in an old folks home just waiting for death or the rapture. Im back at work since august 3rd and I have been moved from my cubicle under false information. I have 2.5years before I can get a full pension. Am in debt for$26,000. My sisters are fighting for money from my mother's money. Like Elijah, have prayed to the Lord to take my life. There is nothing on earth for me