Joel Osteen | – Your Destiny Outweighs Your History | Joel Osteen

You can’t reach your destiny without opposition, but what God has prepared for your future is greater than anything you’ve faced in your past. He’s not just going to bring you out of the hardship—He’s going to bring you out better than you were before.

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About The Author

Joel Osteen Joel Osteen is a New York Times bestselling author and the Senior Pastor of America’s largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. More than 10 million viewers watch his weekly inspirational messages through television, and over 60 million people connect with Joel through his digital platforms worldwide. Joel can be heard 24/7 on SiriusXM 128 — Joel Osteen Radio. Connect with Joel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit his website at Joel Osteen

Comment (35)

  1. I identify as
    A weapon from the Kingdom of Heaven / Amen Amun-Ra the truth and its Shadow as I speak the truth into existence / a teardrop from the apple of the all seeing eye.
    And I expect everyone to respect my gender identity pronouns.

  2. Joel may God multiply your life cycle I love you for your walk with God it's an amazing inspiration to me and my walk with him I am for ever grateful to him for saving me through life's circumstances ups and down HE IS DEFINITELY MY BEST FRIEND NEVER LEAVES ME NEVER BETRAY ME. HAS MY BEST INTERESTS IN MY MIND. PROVEN IT TO ME TIME AND TIME AGAIN GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR WIFE….

  3. I don't know if i can say this but JOEL OSTEEN is a VERY GOOD pastor.(he just preach diffrent like the others and if i feel down i just go to youtube and watch Joel Osteen and then i feel strong again.Thank you pastor God bless

  4. I do feel like Joel speaks at the right time in my life but I've really been waiting and chasing after Bethlehem because I feel I've been in Moab too long. I lost my parents at a young age so I've had to take care of myself most of my life but of late it's been really bad and it's getting really heavy. I discontinued from school, started hustling but due to the pandemic it's really been hard making ends meet. My house is currently closed by landlords claiming they'll auction my stuff to recover my 3 months rent arrears, I've been crushing at someone's coach who's now feeling like I'm more of a burden to them, I have no hope showing and it gets really tiring. I'm hoping Bethlehem comes to me soon because I feel like I'm at the end of something

  5. Isaiah 34:16
    [16]Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.
    Stop trusting in men read the bible for yourself

  6. Alien spiritual demons are pretending to our god by using the Bible and the image of Jesus, so that they can poach human souls – They’re soul snatchers. This is the spiritual war mentioned in the Bible and it’s real – I’ve experienced it and still experiencing it!
    They poach human souls to feed their dark warlord, or for themselves.

    There are spiritual predators that are after the human soul, and they are one of them. This is the ugly side of death! It’s real.
    Spirits! Be careful, they are master deceivers and will offer their help to gain entry and trust. They can look like human spirits because they will retain the image, memories, voice and even skill of the souls they’ve EATEN. They eat souls. They can also trap souls in objects(dolls) and rooms. They can break a soul ( cease to exist). And they can physically harm and kill the living – progress their death so that they can steal the soul.

    Spirits! Please spread the word! This is real. We need help.

  7. I'm going through hardship but when I start felling sorry for myself I look up how people have to live in the less fortunate areas in the world and I see how much worse situations that people have to live in. Very sad how bad some people have it . I pray for them and as far as my problems I have put my faith in GOD and if its part of his plan for me then I know he will show me the way

  8. Please Jesus show mercy to my wife who is suffering from leukemia relapse 4th time.. pls give her life long remission.. we have two kids and we need her to be always part of our life. pls forgive all our inequities and sins. We are trying to follow ur commands and we need you… GOD loving people who is seeing this message pls pray for Thanu