John Piper | – Finding Hope in God’s Unfolding Plan // Ask Pastor John

God determines the direction of history down to the smallest detail. But what is his ultimate goal in all his providence?

Today we wrap up our Wednesday series on the real-life implications of providence, the theme of Pastor John’s new book by that title, ‘Providence.’ The truth that God governs over everything he has made is gloriously true. And when we see it and embrace it as true and glorious, this doctrine can make a very deep and definite impact on how we live our lives. So we are celebrating the implications on Wednesdays here on the podcast. Last time, in episode 1598, we looked at how God’s providence gives us confidence to find purpose and live for purpose. That was implication number nine. Here now with the final implication in the series, number ten, is Pastor John.

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Desiring God God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Learn more at Desiring God

Comment (8)

  1. If God wanted to make everyone on earth happy it would only take a twinkle of an eye for all to received their youth again, If God wanted to feed the world, even the home less has no problem finding meat everyday.
    But to what end, man would happily practices evil, farmers would rather destroy their abundance of fruit, vege, animals etc for profit.
    Wars would still continue thinking their gods gave them power to fight.
    So, can't you see God is also able to make mankind sinless?
    So, is it still hard for you people to figure out why?

  2. I'm still waiting for a Calvinist to explain how a non-elect goat person is able to find hope when it is 100% impossible for him to be saved unless the Calvinist God decides to NOT discriminate against him and Vulcan mind-melds, i.e. regenerates, him against his will?