John Piper | – The Courage We Need for Mission // Ask Pastor John

God’s providence isn’t an obstacle to evangelism and missions. It is, instead, our only hope to see the good news of the gospel reach all nations.

One year ago today, health officials in the United States confirmed COVID case number one thousand. What a year since. In uncertain times, like the ones we live in today, it’s especially relevant to ponder God’s providence, the theme of Pastor John’s new book by that title, ‘Providence.’ The reassuring truth of Scripture is that God’s sovereign decree governs over everything — over every virus, and over every nation, and over every human ruler. He does this to bring about his final purpose and end. Such an awesome doctrine, when we see it and delight in it, can make a very deep and definite impact on how we live, even down to how we fulfill our mission on earth. It’s one of ten implications Pastor John is focusing on in this little Wednesday series on the podcast. Last time, in episode 1595, we looked at how God’s providence gives us the confidence that God has the right and the power to answer our prayers. Providence gives us confidence to pray. That was implication number eight. Here now with implication number nine is Pastor John.

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Desiring God God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Learn more at Desiring God

Comment (14)

  1. Can i ask something, if a person commits heinous crimes in his life, making the innocent suffer also leading to their destruction and downfall because of the trauma and if this person at his deathbed before their death accepts Jesus and repent and gets saved how is that just?

  2. mesiah ,,,Very important information. You say they took us to hell in the presence of God . why don't you use your mind ? …All beauties are waiting for you, you will be very happy … nothing will be the same as my words may sound like a joke to you ..i'm god's revenge sword..They will learn this too .THE Wrath of God has come .. you need a mind to understand …Damn those who slander God and deny their words … Except for those who believe in the words of God and obey her commands There are many who want to go to hell. I only report the facts .. fame, money won't save you . obedience to god only saves You are waiting for God's punishment, you will love it very much.. the punishment is too close ..I guess nobody wants to get rid of…I am doing my duty . The knowledge given by the devil is .Nostradamus's prophecy is frightening 3rd World War and Turkey. watch with subtitles It also describes the expected savior .. If religious scholars had knowledge, he would not remain without faith.. imam mahdı … the cats get precise information about the existence of god.undeniable evidence I warned the devil side before people…they obeyed what I said..they do whatever I say..they fear god…Can you think about what to do?..the enemy of god is my enemy..give up slandering god..don't say she didn't say. scholars of religion you are waiting for god's torment, don't worry too close …you will learn the cost of slander god MATTA 24-27 “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You look like whitewashed graves that look beautiful on the outside, but are filled with dead bones and all kinds of filth. 28 You appear outwardly towards people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and malice..Let those who do not obey what I say burn in hell forever.. I am your order . obedience to me is obedience to god ..You are an enemy of God, as long as you don't do what the god says.. Angel writes what she does .. the end of many is very ignore the facts… are you ready for the torture of god… scholars you are going to are taking people to hell..ask god forgiveness..tell people the truth..otherwise wait for god's punishment..I am the light of god..I show you the way of salvation..I was written in the scriptures..She brought out a powerful savior for us from David's line (Luke, 1: 69-71)save your loved ones and yourself..god will take revenge… I am the savior written in the scriptures….
    God's punishment has come, you don't even realize, the world has cheated on you estas llevando gente al infierno .no ocultes los hechos .Soy el ultimo estímulo.. .Jesucristo no está muerto, dijiste ¿por qué está muerto?.aprender los hechos ..mensaje del salvador..sálvate a ti mismo y a tus seres queridos del tormento eterno Jesus não está morto..a chegada dele está muito perto Иисус не умер, его прибытие очень близко..3 мировые войны и факты.сообщение спасителя Ісус Христос не помер, написано його від'їзд..3 світові війни..факти, які ви знаєте

  3. To anyone reading this and willing — please pray for me and my young son.. I’m walking through the darkest season of my life. A “man of God” convinced me he was going to marry me, to leave a job I can’t go back to, and to move out of state to his state… and then dumped me. I don’t know where I’m going to live, I don’t have much family.. and I’m struggling with a broken heart and crushed spirit

  4. Idk how to feel. I am a Christian and trust me I've heard and read scriptures of God saying we are beautiful and wonderfully and fearfully made. However I hate my life and my self and it doesn't matter what people tell me because always I find my self thinking God did a bad job with me. It's been a lifelong feeling of hate and emptiness for my part. I hated my race being a Filipino and people can tell me it is beautiful that God thinks it's beautiful but it doesn't work on me im still in a downward spiral of hurt and hating my self. I hated that God made me a Filipino, I hated that God made me look the way I do. I am ugly and unattractive for a girl and I understand its the heart that counts but doesn't mean it doesn't hurt even to just a small extent, it does. It really does. People can say God thinks your beautiful I get that but that doesn't stop the pain. I read through scriptures that God does not look on. A person's outward appearance still it feels disheartening because the very God who says this is also the very God who made such very beautiful people to occupy this earth, people he also dearly loves, people who are seen and appreciated by many. And I also get told you never know how a person is despite them being beautiful maybe they have a rotten heart, but whose to say maybe God just gifted them with great beauty and they also have kind loving hearts inside making them beautiful inside and out. I feel at times wanting to kill my self. I do not accept God's decision over my life and how I should be or exist, I'd rather him not make me at all. I hate that this is my eternal reality that out of all I could be he choosed for me to be a filipina which is very unfortunate and he choosed for me to look as I do. However I see all around me and think how come he loves his children so much and had great plans for them how is it that he made those people very extremely beautiful and white or how is it this person is European or Mexican they are so lucky that God of the universe the maker choosed such a decision over how they should be which is their identity for all of eternity and with their said race. How can I ever be okay that in this one life to live and an eternity to come this is me a filipina, and an ugly one. I can never accept myself, can never love me, can never love God's decision over me. He could do a way better job and I dont apologize for saying that. I come from a lifelong pain that may never go away. Why in this one life and in this lifetime of eternity this is to be me I will never stop hurting on. I dont think being filipina is beautiful and of you guys think so that is fine with me I wish he mad eme well and thought of making me mexican, American, etc just like his other daughters why he choose that over them I can't understand but all I know is they are very fortunate and they really are beautiful. He made so many beautiful people in this world in great extent and I've encountered many who are likeable and very sweet I wish he had done the same for me and not make me this ugly average, Asian person and I get told I'm ugly all the time and get bypassed whereas he created other daughters of his with a different reality than that of mine. I'll always live in misery I guess I can never come to a place where I accept his final verdict over me before the world began I dont like me and never will. People are lucky to be born beautiful and Mexican, Caucasian, European, etc but me. Well it's a sad reality one where I feel like in a deep dark pitch black hole. Please don't think this is irrelevant its a very real thing to feel and be in.