Joseph Prince | – Joseph Prince – Keep Your Eyes On Jesus – 10 Jun 2012

What do you do when a storm comes blowing into your life? Keep your eyes on Jesus and walk above the storm! Join Joseph Prince in this uplifting message as he shows you the simplicity and power of keeping your eyes on Jesus. Learn from Bible names how beholding Jesus’ beauty and love will drive out fear, cause you to ride effortlessly over the storm and transform you into His likeness. Begin to turn your eyes away from your circumstances and keep them fixed on the Son, and see Him do the impossible in and through you!

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Joseph Prince – Gardez vos yeux fixés sur Jésus – 10 Jun 2012
Que faites-vous quand un orage vient souffler dans votre vie? Gardez vos yeux fixés sur Jésus et marchez au-dessus de la tempête! Rejoignez Joseph Prince dans ce message édifiant qui vous montre la simplicité et la puissance de garder les yeux sur Jésus. Apprenez des personnages bibliques qui ont contemplé la beauté et l’amour de Jésus, cela chassera la peur, vous serez sans grand effort au dessus de la tempête et vous serez transformés à Son image. Commencez à détourner vos regards de vos circonstances et de les garder fixés sur le Fils, et regardez Le faire l’impossible en vous et à travers vous!

Joseph Prince – Fixează privirea pe Isus- 10 Jun 2012
Ce faceți atunci când o furtună puternică sufla în viața voatră? Fixează privirea pe Isus și mergi pe furtună! Alăturați-vă mesajului lui Joseph Prince, în acest mesaj edificător el vă arată simplitatea și puterea care vine dîn faptul de a menține privirea pe Isus. Aflați din personajele biblice care contemplau frumusețea și dragostea lui Isus, aceasta va înlătura frica, si fară prea mult efort veți fi deasupra furtunii și veți fi transformați după chipul Său. Începeți să distrageți ochii de pe circumstanțe și continuați să fixați privirea pe Fiul, și o să vedeți cum El o să facă imposibilul în voi și prin voi!

About The Author

Joseph Prince Joseph Prince is a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace around the world through his teaching resources and television ministry. With more than two decades of full-time ministry behind him, Joseph is known for teaching God's Word in a fresh, practical, and revelatory way that always unveils Jesus. He is the senior pastor of New Creation Church In Singapore, which has a congregation of 30,000, and separately heads Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc, a broadcast ministry that seeks to build, encourage and inspire people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Joseph Prince For the latest, most exclusive & best-priced Joseph Prince resources, please visit

Comment (46)

  1. 'in the midst of your problems no matter what your storm is
    look to Jesus cuz He will come to you…as if He is walking on the enemy's head saying "Be of good cheer…it is I, Jesus, The I Am That I Am."' Oh Jesus thank you, You are truly greater than any turbulent storms or fierce winds…in faith I receive:)

  2. Pastor Prince's teaching is so different from others. While in my previous church the pastor said the only reason one has depression is because of sin. I used to believed him but later I thought who does not sin? So in a way he is saying those who does not have depression dont sin. 

    PS Prince preach here is Jesus walking over our storm and sin. This is depending on Jesus.

  3. i don't know why Ps. Prince. every time me and my husband. even my children watch your teaching there is joy and peace sorounding me at that day. Thx to keeping preaching pure gospel. May Lord Jesus bless you and your family 1000 times. Amen!!!

  4. I've never heard this guy before but instantly I liked his preaching. His energy is good. I looked him up on wiki and my jaw dropped. Thought he was about 30 -35 years old……..dude is like 55. To me this shows the presence of God is at work here. Have you noticed that people who are close to the Lord(Francis chan, Father raniero cantalamessa) always look very young for their age? Keep God's laws and your body wont age like the rest of the world ages. Look at celebrities. They spend all their money on cosmetic procedures and end up looking like they arent even human beings any more. Its living in the flesh v living in the spirit. Pastor Prince obviously lives in the spirit and I think you would be absolutely insane not to follow his example.