Keion Henderson | – The Other Side of The Truth | Pastor Keion

Pastor Keion Henderson is the lead pastor of The Lighthouse Church in Houston, Texas.

The Mission: The LightHouse Church is committed to equipping people throughout the world: helping them realize their full potential in spite of the fatigue that life presents.

The Vision: The LightHouse Church takes responsibility for creating a better tomorrow than today by assisting in the continual improvement of the world in which we operate through spiritual application and human stewardship.


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6650 Rankin Rd, Humble, TX 77396, USA

About The Author

The Lighthouse Church of Houston Hi. We've been expecting you! Welcome to the Lighthouse Church worship experience, under the capable leadership of Keion Henderson. The Lighthouse Church founded in Houston, TX located in Humble. This location is a growing ministry of over 10,000 members and supporters. The Lighthouse Church of Houston For more information about the Lighthouse Church, visit us at Subscribe for weekly uploaded content. Also feel free to check out our other channels featuring our Senior Pastor – Keion Henderson

Comment (36)

  1. Good message but that analogy with dead branch and living branch isn’t true when it comes to how God deals with his ppl.
    It just isn’t the case. It applies to his message but it can’t be a general analogy

  2. I feel like God absolutely broke me. I wasn’t dead.
    This is the kind of message that makes ppl think that because life happens and turns your world upside down, that you did something to cause it

  3. My God I should have known this message was something I needed to hear because my laptop literally stopped working several times before I could get it to play but thank God it may be delayed but what God has for me will never be denied!! Praise God for His Word and His servant!!!!!

  4. For salvation, we just need to follow the way they did it in Acts? They were baptized in water for the removal of sins and filled with the Holy Ghost. Here's why! The gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
    If we are to follow him, we must do the same thing. Death= repentance, Burial = baptism, and resurrection = being filled and rising again from the dead. That's what Acts 2:38 is.
    We must obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ… Matthew 7:21-23, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in Heaven. St John 3:3-5, EXCEPT a man, be born of WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of GOD.
    We can't come up with our own gospel. Galatians 1:6-9, But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Don't be cursed.
    One way for all people. Jews, Gentiles, and Samaritans. Our salvation has to match up with the scriptures and no scriptures on the subject can be taken away. Eternity is TOOO long to be WRONG! st, John 5:39, Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
    The gospels show what Christ has done on the cross for us.
    The book of Acts shows us the beginning of Christ's Church and how to enter the Church, obeying Acts 2:38.
    The letters were written to the Church to show us how to behave now that we are born again into the Church.
    It's better to walk alone than to walk with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
    Are we supposed to follow the teachings of the apostles? Acts 2:42, And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrines. Ephesians 2:20, We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.
    Don't get Titus 3:5 mixed up with James 2:14-26, about WORKS. One is a WORK of your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS OR GOOD DEEDS and the other is a WORK OF FAITH OR OBEDIENCE TO GOD. One is letting you know that there are no Works we could have done to make Christ want to die on the cross for us. Romans 5:8, But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
    The other is about believing and being obedient to God because you believe. Faith without WORKS OR OBEYING GOD IS DEAD. James 2:14-26.
    Noah believed and then OBEYED OR WENT TO WORK BUILDING THE ARK.
    Now that Christ already paid the full price for our salvation we have to attain it by obeying his way to receive it, Acts 2:38! There is no sinner's prayer. Nowhere in the bible in this church age does it state to accept the Lord Jesus as your savior and you are saved. Mark 16:16, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved.

  5. Father Thank you for the breaking! Purge anything in me that's not of you. Remove me from dead fruit and quiche my dry bones so I can produce and do work in the kingdom. ALLOW ME TO WALK IN HOLY BOLDNESS! ALLOW OTHERS TO SEE YOU IN ME! In Jesus Name! AMEN!