Nick Vujicic | – Solano Prison | Life Without Limbs

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Here we are in Solano. I’m very, very excited.

And when we don’t understand the ways of God, we start doubting that He’s real. We start asking God, “Hey, God, I know that you’re up there, and I know that You say You have a plan, but I was wondering, if I may suggest a Plan B.

What kind of plan does God have for a boy being born without arms and legs? And we’re trying to find this purpose, and I didn’t see it, and I didn’t find it, and people with arms and legs came up to me and said, “Nick, everything’s going to be ok.”

You think I believed them? No. Why? They didn’t know my pain.

There is hope until you give up.

You can either carry your burdens I n your own strength or you can ask Jesus Christ to carry them for you. Ups and downs? Yes. Life is always an uphill climb. When you feel like falling, I know who is standing by me. Do you?

I want the Everlasting One to stand by me. Today if you want to give your life to God, say, “God, forgive me of my sins. I know I can’t do this on my own. I need you to change me from the inside out. Help me to put my hope in You, nothin’ else but You.”

And He will carry you through.

And I just want to thank you for the opportunity for me to share my faith in Jesus Christ here, and I just want to tell you that I love you all.

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you’ve done. I don’t care how you look.

I want to tell you that I love you, and that’s the love of God!

And when we know that He is calling us, all I ask you to do is keep on seeking and you’ll find Him!

[PRISONER] Thank you, sir. I appreciate your message. Wonderful!

[PRISONER] The thing that really hit me when Nick was talking was, he said, “I know you guys are in prison, but this is my prison.”

[PRISONER] Basically, the trials he went through and the positive influence that he has around him, it just blew me away! You know what? We’ve had it rough but we’re never alone. Serving a life sentence is hard, but I’ve got to cast all my burdens upon the Lord, just like he’s been doing.

[NICK] I just feel like a lot of people keep it all in. You know, you don’t really want to show emotions that—I think that’s what the culture is. And so when they knew it was ok to show emotion, and after hearing the whole thing, I think that people were overwhelmed, feeling relieved that they can finally let some things out.

Thank God for the healing that’s happening on the inside of many people.



About The Author

Life Without Limbs It is a great privilege to introduce you to the Life Without Limbs YouTube channel. My name is Nick Vujicic and I was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given me the strength to surmount what others might call impossible. Life Without Limbs is all about sharing this same hope and genuine love that I have personally experienced with people all over the globe. It's been said that doors open to a man without arms and legs much more easily than to anyone else, we thank God for providing that privilege. I've been invited into very unexpected places to share about my faith in Jesus Christ and literally millions have responded. We hope you will watch, engage with, and share the videos on our channel! To learn more about the ministry visit