Nick Vujicic | – What's Next For Us? – Champions For The Brokenhearted – Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic Ministries

Nick Vujicic and the ministry of Life Without Limbs are champions for the brokenhearted. We declare the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ around the world. Visit [support us] for more information.

00:03 Psalm 34:18
00:12 Where We’ve Been
01:45 The Pandemic Hits
02:25 Sample of 36 A.I. language translations
03:42 Our 2022 Campaign

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About The Author

Life Without Limbs Nick Vujicic Ministries Hi, my name is Nick Vujicic, and I was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given me the strength to surmount what others might call impossible. Life Without Limbs: Nick Vujicic Ministries is all about sharing this same hope and genuine love that I have personally experienced with people all over the globe. Doors seem to open to a man without arms and legs much more easily than to anyone else. We thank God for providing that privilege. I've been invited into very unexpected places to share about my faith in Jesus Christ and literally millions have responded. We hope you will watch, engage with, and share the videos on our channel! To learn more about the ministry visit

Comment (6)

  1. What to do when everyone turn their back on you, I can't even afford to buy clothes for my 5 kids. My heart cry out to God every single day but nothing is happening, it been 7 years now. I feel like I failed my kids. My last born is 9 months old.