Paul Begley | – Prophetic “Thunderbolts 125,000 Hits Washington DC” / Paul Begley

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About The Author

Paul Begley Pastor Paul Begley is a pastor from Indiana that gives you current events and how they relate to the Bible We always offer a call to salvation and Jesus is adding to the church daily. We offer free Bibles to new converts! We send free anointed prayer cloths, prayer blankets and chemo caps to those who need a healing. If you feel led to help with the postage or the broadcasting costs you can donate at: Coming Apocalypse air live Mon - Fri 12p - 2pm ET And Sunday night Live 7p - 10pm ET Coming Apocalypse airs on Direct TV 367 Fri 11:30pm ET Like my fb @ Follow me on Twitter pastorbegley Follow me on Periscope Pastorbegley Current News Updates, Facts and Fair Comments, Religions, Politics, Opinions, Humor, Freedom, Bible Prophecy, Bible Studies and more Paul Begley

Comment (39)

  1. Maybe GOD is telling the politicians something!! Sunday night, had to take an alarm clock to my granddaughters boyfriend. The moon was normal & a half moon. Coming home, the moon looked twice as big & was orange. It was beautiful. I tried to take a pic, but we were going so fast that I couldn’t. Most of the time it was behind trees!!

  2. All the Countries are registered as Corporations on Dunn & Bradstreet, but so, also, are the various departments of Government, such as the CDC, DoD,,etc. etc and judges are administrators that oversea these articles of incorporation. There are Three City-States that make up the NWO: Washington, D.C., London City, and Vatican City, which I was told owns London City which owns Washington, D.C., which is a City-State set on 7 Hills, and was originally Columbia, Rome.

  3. Yes because I live about two hours from DC and we had the same storm and yes the sky was lit up lit up.. we also had about 7 days so far of hot humid 115 degree weather…we always lose power when we get a storm but we did not lose power at my house this time but we turned our power off our self LOL that's how bad it was