Paul Washer | – The Father's Love for Jesus as Mediator | Ep. 1 – Looking Unto Jesus | Paul Washer

Paul Washer is founder of the HeartCry Missionary Society. Visit [support us] for more information, updates, and resources!

HeartCry is a missionary society with one great and overriding passion: that God’s Name be Great among the Nations (Malachi 1:11) and that the Lamb receive the full reward for His suffering (Revelation 7:9-10).

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About The Author

HeartCry Missionary Society HeartCry is a missionary society founded by Paul Washer. The mission's one great and overriding passion is that God's Name is Great among the Nations (Malachi 1:11) and that the Lamb receive the full reward for His suffering (Revelation 7:9-10). We find our greatest purpose and a constant motivation for indigenous world missions in God, His commitment to His own glory, and our God-given desire to see His Christ worshiped in every nation, tribe, people, and language (Psalms 2:6-12). HeartCry Missionary Society

Comment (45)

  1. Good morning everybody, I have never seen this wonderful man who is speaking these beautiful words about our LORD Jesus Christ. From the comments I read his name is Paul and I am so grateful for his wise words, for the way he speaks, the way he delivers the message with loving kindness and care. “Thank You” does not seem enough. Just now my eyes are filling with tears as I listen and it might be that his words convict me and I’m glad they shook me.

  2. when Peter  was  walking  on water with  Jesus; as soon  as  Peter  took his  eyes off of Jesus; he became  fearful  he started to  sink;
    Keep  your  eyes on Jesus  always;
    I think this is why there is so much  unrest in America ; satan is ragging  he wants us all to take  our  eyes  off of christ  God is doing  something  in the spirit  realm  it has Satan  ragging  in the natural ; Peter had the faith to step out of the boat don't let Satan distract you!!

    Matthew 14:28-30

  3. I'm a new follower of christ, this is my testimony

    I suffered a massive stroke 4years ago my stroke las
    ted for 5hours before I was able to receive medical treatment, the almighty gave this wretch grace and spared this sinners life, I will have a radical healing testimony to share soon, for , I have claimed the promise  of a 1,000 foldblessing  according to deuteronmy 1:11

    His promise cannot fall to ground, I look forward to sharing my healing testimony I’m only waiting for my decree to be established according to job ‪22:28‬ I declare and decree my wait is over I’m next in line for a miracle, blessed be the name of Jesus , his mighty name will be glorified through my healing testimony , may my testimony bring faith to others that are facing I’m tankful for this trial thank Your u father for allowing it to happen, I decree , I decree Isaiah 53:5 , &isiah 43:1, and isaiah61 it’s  I declare that this is my harvest search son please stand in agreement  I declare that a kairos month is in my horizon amen and amen  I was born 5 weeks premature  the doctors didn’t think I was going to make it so the chaplain  asked my parents if he could baptize me,from what I can gather 5 represents GODS grace and favor; hosanna!!

     Man says that I have permanent brain damage I declare in the mighty name of Jesus that my brain is completely restored by the 39 stripes of kingJesus hosanna!  there is a supernatural breakthrough on my pathway it’s at my doorstep i receive complete Devine restoration through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ please come into agreement  my brothers and sisters

    I decree and declare  in Christ Jesus complete supernatural complete Devine cell regeneration from head to toe I was 39 when I suffered my stroke glory to GOD  please come into agreement my brothers and sisters GOD bless all

    Matthew 18:19 King James Version (KJV)

    19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. I decree and declare a sudden supernatural breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus  thank you for standing in agreement GOD bless thank you for standing in agreement GOD bless all  I decree and declare my dry season is over, I decree and declare that all Of GODs    Promises and prophetic words  spoken over me will come to pass, thank you for coming into agreement I decree and declare that every promise that GOD has spoken over me and that every prophetic word he has spoken over me will come to pass  thank you for standing in agreement GOD bless all of you you 

     My sprit man perceives he is doing a new thing!! Thank you Lord!!        

    ! Isaiah 43:19

    19 See, I am doing a new thing!

        Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

    I am making a way in the wilderness

        and streams in the wasteland

    Ezekiel 12:28 Amplified Bible (AMP)

    28 Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “None of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever word I speak will be fulfilled completely,”’” says the Lord God.

    Jeremiah 40:4 King James Version (KJV)

    4 And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand. If it seem good unto thee to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well unto thee: but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and convenient for thee to go, thither go. Let your kingdom come lord let your will be done on earth as in heaven in all areas of my life,
    Genesis 50:20 King James Version (KJV)

    20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
    Let your kingdom come ABBA, your will be done on earth as in heaven in all areas of my lifeDeuteronomy 30:3 English Standard Version (ESV)

    3 then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you, I'm believing GOD has restored everything that I've lost 1,000fold I firmly believe that GOD will finish what he has started. My case is settled in the heavenly courts ;
    I had a dream back in 2017; in the dream I was told that I would receive a breakthrough in July;
    I'm believing that the breakthrough will Manifest july 2020 / 5780

  4. Thank you Paul. So very true. So many distractions in these times. Sometimes we're like a dog that got loose because the gate was left open, meandering about from one garbage can to the next. Sometimes we even dig a hole under the fence to get out! Oh that we would meditate on his word day & night that we would not be distracted enough to go beyond the boundaries he has put in place for our own protection that we may finish the race.
    Bless you Paul, you are a dear friend.

  5. You address them as father and son, and yet you believe in the Trinity. Jesus is our mediator, in also mentions in Revelation. He is the son of God , not one in the same. We are ALL made in God's image, when the power of the holy spirit, runs thru us awakened with love and peace. Please do not engage this Trinity. It is false and man made. Seek Christ for whom he is and to please him is to please God the father. No one gets to the father but thru the son. Another statement that should make you run from the Trinity. Jesus is the great mediator.

  6. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is the only God who said and wrote the Law with HIS own finger (Exodus 34:1,2) "You shall have no gods beside ME." (Exodus 20:3). I'm not making an argument but encourage everyone to call on The Living God CHRIST JESUS and ask who is The Father. I know I did. Fix all your care to CHRIST JESUS. HE is The only God.

  7. “But the full apprehension of the love of the Father on this one account, cannot perhaps be brought within the capacity of the human mind. But if God the Father loves Jesus as Mediator, and for his undertaking, and is unceasingly beholding him with rapture on this account, it may serve at least to teach thee, my soul, how exceedingly it becomes thee to look to Jesus for the same; and that thine eyes, as the eyes of all the tribes of Israel, should be towards the Lord. Dearest Lord Jesus! let mine eyes, mine heart, my whole soul be fixed on thee, until every affection be going out in desires after thee. I would trace thee, as the Old Testament saints, who saw thy day “afar off, rejoiced, and were glad.” I would see thee as New Testament believers, who are looking to thee, and “are enlightened, and their faces are not ashamed.” I would see thee with the first dawn of the morning; yea, before the morning light, and “until the day break, and the shadows flee away;” and until my beloved come to me “as a roe, or a young hart, upon the mountains of Bether!” Yes, precious Lord Jesus! I would be sending the earnest longings of my soul through the windows of the eye after thee, and never give rest to my eyes, nor slumber to my eye-lids, until that blessed hour arrive, when no medium shall intervene to prevent the full enjoyment of my soul in thee; and when a body of sin and death shall no longer weary my soul, in her enjoyment of thee; but I shall then see Jesus as he is, and never more lose sight of his lovely person, but live in his presence, and Jesus in mine, for evermore”

    – Robert Hawker (1753–1827), Poor Man’s Portion, p. 360

  8. Thank you Pastor Paul you have been such a light these past few years. I came across you in 2002 but I got distracted with a bunch of different teaching but the last several years God has brought me back to where we started. We are doing a Bible study based on your workbook knowing the living God in Alaska with several women in my home. we started last week. We are so blessed by this study and God is so faithful. Thank you so much my brother looking forward to meeting you when we all see Jesus.

  9. Hello brother washer and faith family any scripture on believing that will prosper his people. I've been seeking after Christ since my 2nd birth I'm 26 and I carry your prayer for whole nations to be changed and come to Christ. I simply have a hard time believing that everything will work out for my good, even tho his graces daily are renewed and I see life in him more abundantly. I just get weighed down when I take my eyes of Christ and get concerned with helping my neighbor,even at times when I'm called not to cast pearls to people who don't care for the gospel…which is where I lose hope in Christ, I still feel as though I have faith because I'm not just holding on to my love for Christ but the Father's Love and faithfulness towards me.

    Can you please do a video on speaking those that are not as if they were , I really do have trouble with this area in my walk of faith. I feel as tho I'd have much more joy if I could conquer the understanding of hope as it applies to poverty alleviation and remaining steadfast/abiding in Christ.

  10. May I add several helps for doing as brother Paul encourages us to do: hymn, More Love To Thee, and free booklet from Chapel Library, Pensacola, Fl.:
    Looking Unto Jesus…Theodore Monod. May God enable us, by His Spirit, and give us more of a desire to “delight ourselves in the Lord”. Amen

  11. Thank you. Thank you again to those who work with Pastor. Paul Washer, who always uses the 'HeartCry Missionary Society' channel to share the Word of Repentance and the Gospel of righteousness. I will continue to deliver only the gospel of repentance by using the channel of ' A man who convey the gospel of repentance' with a useless heart and lack of heart.

    As I'm a Korean, I will preach the gospel of repentance to Koreans and live by delivering the gospel of repentance by using the Internet, which has characteristics that people

    from all over the world can visit and see. In the living Lord God , I love Pastor. Paul Washer and the 'HeartCry Missionary Society'.