Robert Barron | – Bishop Barron Presents | Leah Libresco Sargeant: “Arguing with Atheists in Good Faith”

Leah Libresco Sargeant is a prominent convert from atheism to Catholicism and in this talk for our “Bishop Barron Presents” series, filmed on March 27, 2019, she shares how a debate club at Yale University challenged her ideas about faith, God, and Christianity, and how strong arguments and encouraging friendships eventually led to her conversion.

In the second part of this event, available only to Word on Fire Institute students, I sat down with Leah for a lengthy discussion on the rise of disaffiliation and why we need to argue many people back into Christianity. This discussion is exclusive to Word on Fire Institute members. Sign up here to join us and get access:

About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (34)

  1. For those looking for a great resource on navigating through these debates/conversations I highly recommend Greg Koukl’s “Tactics.” It’s a masterful work for the Christian apologist who desires to engage others on Christian matters with confidence.

  2. "Every argument closed eventually, and closed in love is a small anticipation of that ultimate EASTER GLORY." – Leah Libresco☆

    Leah, the attention of a PACKED audience is truly deserved☆ Huge Thanks! ☆☆☆☆

  3. As long as supernaturalists simply admit that they "need to believe" despite the absence of verifiable evidence of any kind for their belief, I've no quarrel with them. The admission that one's "belief" happens absent sufficient verifiable evidence is authentic. Then, as long as such supernaturalists don't foist such evidence-absent "beliefs" off on the rest of us, even the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment would have no quarrel with them. In short, "believe" as you must, but don't expect those of us who require verifiable evidence to agree with you.

  4. Thing is, there is no argument. Christianity/Catholicism is not true. You have to step outside your belief system just for a moment and you will see this. You have to compare the New Testament to the Hebrew Bible from the Classical Jewish perspective to see this. It's clear Leah never did this. If only religious people would consider this, we would have a much better, more peaceful world, and can spend time exploring other topics that are actually real.

  5. What is peculiar in the Thomas/Aristotle account shared is that the known tendency toward evil – or, say, witting lying and/or clamoring for the [convenient] lie – seems poorly registered. Their main point is well taken, of course, but it may seem a reduction of motive to an unrealistically 'pure' motive [toward the Good]. Can we say that our first parents' fellowship-neglecting negotiations with the serpent were motivated only or mainly by a genuine desire for the Good? An admixture of opposites at the level of motive seems more realistic and that which authentically makes us culpable for the neglect of Good which pretends the Good.

  6. Yep. The Catholic church can't enforce their views with the rack and the stake anymore. They need to use different persuasive techniques and Leah is here to give a primer on such advanced apologetics. Unfortunately, it's all hooey. She blah blahs about being "open to the truth" but she really means truths that do not conflict with her religious notions. When her beliefs are clearly contradicted does she change them? Nope. She will 'take it under consideration' then forget about it. If she were objective, she wouldn't be catholic.

  7. 1. There is no point in arguing if you can't be proven wrong, then its just an unfalsifiable position. Most religious people won't accept that the god they believe in doesn't exist. And most atheists can't accept that god exists.

    2. Just understand the 'fallacy fallacy' to understand that people can argue badly for a position yet the position still being true. Any truth can be made laughable with a bad argument. So who ever your arguing with, they still can be technically right.
    3. Why don't people change their views when they don't know how to anwser the basic arguments against their position? Loyality, and they start identifying themselves with whatever position they hold on any given topic.
    4. Logical necessety only works in theory, if something doesn't work in practice its pretty much useless as anything less then a placebo effect. "Something i believe in thats wrong can still be good for me personally" sure, most deluded people can live a nice life believing any type of crazy shit.

    Integrity is hard to come by

  8. Hey father I’m a new subscriber and I’ve watched a few videos I gotta say father I can’t wait to catch up I’m the type that’s gotta binge watch and who better then father Barron love yourself others and god my lord

  9. Father please like my comment so I know you saw it I believe this is unbelievable and very interesting especially when I’m working don’t need to always watch but listening is just as great your new fan from New York bless you father and if your not busy send my family blessings

  10. What if I don’t want to win but to find the truth? I mean what is the point of winning if you were wrong all along and have just convinced another person in the same wrong thing you believe yourself?

    Before arguing with anyone about anything please consider the possibility of you being not in the right and actually try viewing your opponent’s arguments from a neutral ground and gradually move to one side or another depending on facts an evidence not your wishful thinking! That’s my advice for you.