Robert Barron | – Proclaiming and Encountering Christ in the 21st Century: Bishop Barron at @Biola University

Friends, I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation at @Biola University on proclaiming and encountering Christ. It was wonderful to sit down with our Protestant brothers and sisters to discuss the importance of evangelization in today’s culture. In this video, we explore how to evangelize through the new media, reach the disaffiliated, prepare to become an evangelist, and much more.


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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (32)

  1. When it’s your right time, God says, “I, the Lord, will make it happen.” It may seem impossible; the experts say no way. But like Sarah, God is asking you, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” You don’t know what God is up to. There are right times that are not just ordinary, not just a good break, but they are supernatural. It’s the hand of God that defies the odds, that thrusts you into places you can’t go on your own, that makes ways where there is no way. What you’re up against may look bigger, stronger, more powerful, but it’s no match for our God. Stay in peace. You have the most powerful force in the universe on your side.

  2. There's also the interaction that exists between different migratory currents to add to the list of reasons why people leave the Church

    When a church houses both a more popular Italian and a less popular partly-Swede, one of them might leave

    It's not always a permanent divorce, sometimes it is, it's hard to find anything that's permanent it seems

  3. Another reason to not be bothered by Scientism is found through the lens of compassion.
    What do I mean?
    Well, I mean, the spiritual realm is a pretty scary place for ppl. It's like science fiction come alive and many ppl don't know how to handle that. Nor do they know how to logically navigate the idea that cultural myths, rites, rituals- that are altered from culture to culture, age from age, and/or from religion to religion- can flesh out to a single, rational truth.
    Thus, it's easier for them to grab ahold of something like science that promises to try and retry hypotheses and which explicitly writes out theses for them in order to order their worldview for them.
    Anyone who is not a Scientismist knows that:
    A. The scientific method is seriously flawed
    B. Truth is not ever the final answer to any scientific reaearch, it's only a relatively close approximate
    C. You can never exclude all the variables that require exclusion to come to an explicit conclusion when it comes to research
    D. Peer reviews are kinda laughable in innumerable ways
    E. Scientists research the unknown, the unseen, and the infinite (i.e.the unveiled, the spiritual, and God's creations) to try to solidify truth in the material rhelm of existence. It's amusingly ironic.
    So, with this handful of base acknowledgements, we can definitely have compassion for Scientismists…they have based their entire reality on other ppl's biased claims and faulty findings and they think this is the most reasonable thing to do because they have had no spiritual experiences and/or they've had such negative experiences that it took away the hope of having any single spiritual experience with God.
    That's just pitiable, quite honestly. More pitiable than infuriating, I should think, at any rate:/
    Mercy and compassion are in order for these ones, for sure.

  4. Evangelization is like spreading the seeds (God’s word) into a field, as in the parable of the sower in the Bible. Some fall in the right place and some don’t.
    The Holy Spirit is constantly working in the hearts of people; Jesus is constantly knocking on the doors of people’s hearts. Some open the door and let Him in and some don’t. We, as believers can make a big difference in the way things happen in this world with our prayers. Our prayers can stop wars, bring souls to God or do anything that seems impossible for us humans.
    When Peter was in prison, all the apostles were gathered and were praying for him and God released him from the prison.

    I remember reading a quotation by a saint in a prayer book that goes, “God governs the world and prayer governs God”. God’s heart is too soft and tender to ignore our pleas “in this valley of tears”. We have to pray for the conversion of sinners and for God’s kingdom to come on earth along with those who are led by the Holy Spirit to evangelize the word of God on YouTube. We all are called to evangelize in ways that God presents to us.

    May God bless all those who are evangelizing on social media and those who are fighting the good fight to build back all that satan is trying to destroy in the creation of God.

    God bless you Bishop Barron. It’s always a pleasure to listen to you.

  5. As a convert, Bishop's point at @30. is from my heart to God's ear to Bishop Barron's pastoral alertness. Sick of petty dogmatic nitpicking. Good Christ, help your self pleasing righteous, learn some effing humility. Agape.

  6. Bishop Barron, I noticed that same thing in 1978 when I came home to Chicago from boarding school, and the pews were so empty at Mass … so I asked around, and many friends told me Exactly what you said, "I stopped attending and no one asked why … " We need a buddy system in our parishes.

  7. The Roman Catholic Church is PURE EVIL —- I am a former Roman Catholic — Every Catholic needs to learn about the Gnostics and the Early Christians. RC would kill anyone that threatened their power. PURE EVIL. GNOSTICS GNOSTICS GNOSTICS GNOSTICS. Jesus not only told us to love each other — HE WAS A COSMIC FORCE. People are leaving the corrupt church that allowed the abuse of children for decades.

  8. Re: beige vs non-beige churches, we quite likely respond differently even to the dirt on the floors. In a beige place, dirty floors make you think wow, they need to clean the floors. In a gothic cathedral or other beautiful church very well may make you think something like, wow, it is amazing; how many faithful have trod these floors in faith.

  9. Robert is a great dude, but he told me i was having a little tantrum when i asked him about the pedo priest problem going on in his church and under his watch. Perhaps, he should read the pennsylvania grand jury report? He thinks his churches are now safe for our boys, delusional?