Seeds Family Worship | – 30 Day Seeds Challenge

For the month of May, Seeds Family Worship is beginning a new challenge exciting way you could get your family to memorize scripture and worship God! Our ministry will ONLY listen to Seeds Family Worship Music and invite you to do it with us! Our music helps kids learn & memorize God’s word by singing scripture, and we want to see God’s Word go into as many hearts and homes as possible through our music. Join this challenge by typing in your email below, and you will be entered in a giveaway for the chance to win a Seeds everything pack! We can’t wait to join your family this May!

About The Author

Seeds Family Worship Who Are We? Seeds Family Worship is a ministry on a mission to see God’s Word, the Bible, planted in as many homes and hearts as possible around the world. What Do We Do? Seeds create Scripture memory songs for kids by setting verses from the Bible to music. We have a library of 167 songs and videos written to word-for-word Scripture. Songs make memorizing the Bible easy and fun. Our songs are written for kids but also made to be enjoyed by all members of the family. Seeds Family Worship

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