Sermon jams | – judah smith Jesus Wept for the World Sermon Jam

judah smith Jesus Wept for the World Sermon Jam

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  1. I love what you're doing this is a great message, but I personally found the music to be incredibly distracting. Speaking for myself, I would definitely prefer just the message. But despite my wishes, may you do whatever the Spirit leads!

  2. WHAT MY SPIRIT HAS TO SAY TO THE CHURCHES : The subconscious of humanity has been reprogrammed to put the son in the place of the female. As a result you have transgender bathrooms, older men molesting boys, sex change operations, gay marriages, the mother's are doing the Father's job, children are left unsupervised to raise themselves, the whole world is tilting on it's axis, the climate is bad, we are all starving for love, and everyone is wondering where is God. The opposite polarity is missing from the trinity.

  3. It’s interesting when the Bible said Jesus wept. It wasn’t Bc a man was dead or people were sad. He knew what He was going to do. He wept Bc of our lack of faith in God. The one thing that breaks Gods heart more than anything. Unbelief. And we focus on so many other things.

  4. LORD I Know Why You LOVED US!!
    You want to save us
    And return US to your GIFT
    Paradise of EDEN
    Where Man failed by disobedience and fall from lying of your Greatest Enemy the Fallen ONE!! The Serpent
    Thank You LORD for keep showing YOUR Love to US
    Jesus on Earth as US
    Represents US and to be with US so that He Lives in US.
    JESUS with GOD character showed US