| – Are You Brainwashed (Coming Deception)? by Keith Malcomson

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SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages [support us] /> #Jesus #Sermons #Sermon

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About The Author 2f00e1bab8d610e4 Founded in 2002. Access over 100,000+ sermon resources. Over 100 million mp3 sermons distributed in 18+ years. 50+ million views on youtube. SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the 'old paths' (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages given.

Comment (42)

  1. The world is definitely being deceived at the moment. So many things don’t make sense, yet people are going along with it. I am so sick of it. MSM is brainwashing people and many believe everything they say.

  2. Excellent message, but he is just wrong in one very important issue. Pastor Malcomson waved away involvement with ending abortion, yet that is the most foundational sin and injustice feeding the present evil. The blood of the millions of innocents is calling out to demonic entities for more violence, and it often comes against the church. The Lord has showed many of us, but not enough I guess. He misses what the "high places" are now. The highest is the abortion clinics more than anything else, esp Planned Parenthood- Goliath. Legislatures and courts when in league with this are also part of the high places. So much violence, injustice, perversion has come from this and with it, God's wrath against America.

  3. Propaganda is what we now have in the United States where I live. Propaganda is controlling every source of media, and no one better disagree with anything they are saying. If they do disagree they are called a racist, (Which is not what is being discussed at the time), and not allowed to present their viewpoint. No one is allowed to disagree and are stopped from doing so. I am 72 and it seems to me that people are so caught up with their technology/phones especially the younger generation that they don't know how to think anymore. Take the phones away from the younger generation and they know nothing because they rely completely on their phones but really know little. Whereas, if they are hooked up to their phones they can tell you anything and sound like they are familiar with the topic when they know nothing. That is a form of deception in itself when you analyze it. If they didn't have their phones to keep them in their own little world amused to death and that keeps them occupied from early in the morning till when they go to sleep. A lot of teens stay up till 2:00 in the morning and later on their phones and end up falling asleep in class. I know because I am a retired teacher and have heard them talking about it and have had them fall asleep because they were up late. The sad thing is that Christians here in the states are so worldly and there seems to be little difference between them and the world. They need to be called out of the worldly attachments before they get completely sucked into the vacuum of the world's system and spirit.

  4. Imagine all the people, so called Christians who helped Biden & Deomoncrats cheat, while counting the votes in Election Month 2020. Their deed only took a moment in time, but God will never forget. Remember when Jesus & Satan set atop of the mountain & Satan told Jesus, I will give you all of these kingdoms & riches, if you would just once praise my name. Our lord refused & gladly gave his blood & body for us as THE perfect sacrifice. He loved us so much, so much more than we deserve. He told us to put all our trust in him. If we repent & seek his face with a pure & honest heart, he will hear from Heaven & heal our land. We are in the END TIME HARVEST. SEEK HIS FACE & LIVE BY HIS GRACE & MILLIONS OF SOULS WILL BE PLUCKED UP AS GOOD FRUIT & BE FOREVER SEALED AS GOD'S OWN PEOPLE

  5. People think about it there's not one Bible teachers alive who has completed the process of the fear of God. Which mean they don't have any insight or manifestion from God . This man is preaching a antichrist take over but in reality it's God removing the destroyer of the earth and the end of the Satanic reign. This man is part of the satanic reign.

  6. Dear sir, this brainwashing is already happening with the pharmaceutical/vaccine deception that is taking place. It's been happening via tv and media for decades! Kudos for addressing this though…the hour is later than most think. "Through sorcery ( pharmakeia ) were all nations deceived". If you have been infected with the doctrines of John Nelson Darby and flim flam man, Scofield then you very well may not realize how late the hour is. Research those two. See what type of people they were and what their backgrounds were. You may well be shocked.

  7. My Californian friends I grew up with, they listened to rage against the machine etc. Rebels. They are now lock step buying the narrative of the ultimate form of centralized power. They have been given someone to fight against, they have formed the narrative so that I am in that group. Truth is a dangerous conspiracy theory. I'm the problem, for I love TRUTH.

  8. the DECEPTION has always been here since we died in the first Adam: What is COMING is the LIGHT (MESSIAH) that is revealing it, but how? Messiah is the GOOD ROOT in all people and he is ARISING in more and more so the LIGHT is revealing the deception so it can overcome it:

    till you have repented back to that root) and when you enter the evil root where David opens his eyes in hell, you will discover the good root is also within you: :THIS IS THE TRUE meaning of Christianity but it must happen THROUGH JUDAH: Just did a video about that: Once you enter the evil and turn that root to good, you made the tree of knowledge the TREE OF LIFE and this is the CHOSEN WORK OF THE JEW:

  9. Be careful who you put your faith in. Many so called pastors and teachers may not hear from God. What I have seen and experienced is people’s lives being ruined by trusting in what a preacher says. Unless accountability is bought into the church then people need to be extremely careful in listening to these people. What you will observe is many teachers it prophets saying one thing or other and when that does not come to pass they move on to something else. In the meantime those who listened to them are left holding the bag. This is a real problem in the church. There may be people who actually hear from God and whatever such people say will come to pass as they are not false prophets but it's hard to know who those are so be very careful who you trust.

  10. Interesting sermon. I am a little winded however. Mr. Malcomson needs to learn to take a breath every now and then. He didn't pause once. Very hard to keep listening when he gives the listener no space to mull over his words. Just an observation.

  11. This is why the Bible says "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4; 23. Stand firm on God's word – at whatever cost, even if you have to stand alone.

  12. Very interesting. Ties into the MK ULTRA mind control program and the brainwashing experiments carried out by CIA contractor, who was originally from Scotland, at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal.

  13. Praise God that He knows all my weaknesses and He knows exactly how to strengthen me , He will do this for you as well not by your own strength but in His… Isaiah 41:10 tell Him that you can't do it yourself and that you know that all rightousness and holiness flows from Him and you need Him, He will strengthen you with His Mighty Right Hand!

  14. 20:40 Brainwashing requires control of all information channels like media, education and entertainment, and it requires censorship, threats and coercion. They had nothing of this before coming to power. He captured people's hearts and minds with only words, and anyone was free to disregard his words, but most recognized the truth in what he said. To really lead people you must capture their minds and hearts with words, but there is no force or compulsion in that process, it is voluntary and is distinctly different from brainwashing..

  15. So refreshin. This happened to me. Once they go at your brain they get at your soul anf then at your own identity. The first thing they bombarded me with was you are fear non stop. He speaking the truth. Jesus i abide by. I ran back to him. My soul almost lost its id. They cover it under mental health. Dont forget cia uses drugs to brain wash. So why not do something similar. They also warned me to stop loving. Dont stop loving. Keep hugging and show affection. They dont want this