| – Journey With Christ – Part 6 by Mar Mari Emmanuel

★★ Recommend Book: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer Website:

SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages given.
#Jesus #Sermons #Sermon

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About The Author 2f00e1bab8d610e4 Founded in 2002. Access over 100,000+ sermon resources. Over 100 million mp3 sermons distributed in 18+ years. 50+ million views on youtube. SermonIndex is not just a website but really has become a movement of believers seeking the 'old paths' (Jeremiah 6:16). This journey of faith weaves through the current state of evangelical Christianity and the passionate preaching of many godly ministers in our day. Many are seeking authenticity, reality and sincerity in the Christian faith. In a day when popular preachers are telling lies (Jeremiah 5:30-31), there is a great renewed desire to find the real Jesus in the midst of the counterfeit. SermonIndex has been able to archive many of the best preaching messages given in the last 50 years in audio mp3 form, as well as digging into the history of the Church and archiving many of the encouraging text messages given.

Comment (10)

  1. Let us turn to God our creator. Sin separates us from God. Jesus Christ came to save people from going to hell and thus unites us with Heavenly Father through Him. As the scripture says, "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9)". He is ready to forgive you and will give you Eternal Life in Heaven as a free gift. A simple prayer with faith will change your direction from hell to Heaven. Dear Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and You rose Him from the dead on the third day. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour. Please come into my heart. In Jesus Christ' name I pray, Amen. You will receive Holy Spirit in your heart who will guide you through your life' journey. Talk to God by praying and read Bible to hear from God. God Bless

  2. in the latest one, i think, of Mar Mari Emmanuels videos there is a song in the middle thats so beautiful its might be on here too i dont know yet.. but the lyrics are Jesus, Jesus i trust in a female sings with a beautiful voice..thats all i can remember..does anyone know what this song is

  3. Love the Holiness of this father,the light of JesusChrist lighting his face,and I never see a priest like him who love and believe in Jesus Christ,may God protect him ,and bless him ,to continue his mission in earth,chosen by God,…

  4. Wow! What a powerful message!!! And with a song as beautiful as the message was strong!! GOD IS MOVING HERE..PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY THE ALPHA AND OMEGA!!!!
    THANK U!!