Jimmy Evans | – Overcoming Comparison | Jimmy Evans

You can learn not only the curse and causes of comparison but also the cure for comparison. Watch the full Overcoming Life series on XO Now: https://now.xomarriage.com/programs/the-overcoming-life?cid=1046514 Jimmy is the Founder and CEO of MarriageToday, a ministry that is devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages and families. Jimmy and his wife […]

Jimmy Evans | – Sexual Warfare | Tipping Point | Jimmy Evans

This week I share about spiritual warfare but more specifically about sexual warfare and how satan attacks people sexually and how we can overcome him. I am also talking about the Biden administration’s troubling decisions on Israel. Answering questions about the mark of the beast, the rapture, and if the watchers helped Noah build Ark. […]

Jimmy Evans | – Are We Living In The End Times? | Jimmy Evans

Jimmy Evans uses biblical prophecy to describe why our generation is living in the end times.Watch this full message on XO Now:https://now.xomarriage.com/videos/time-at-a-tipping-point-jimmy-evans Jimmy Evans is Founder and CEO of MarriageToday, a ministry based in Dallas, Texas that is devoted to helping couples build strong and fulfilling marriages and families. Jimmy and his wife, Karen, are […]